Just a bit over three weeks remain until this year’s annual Tyrone-Snyder Township sixth annual library concert fund raising concert.
This concert will be held on Saturday night, April 21 at the Tyrone Area High School auditorium. Doors will open promptly at 6:30 p.m. and the show will start at 7 p.m. sharp.
All tickets are reserved seating and may be purchased for $30 each.
The tickets are available at three downtown Tyrone ticket outlets including Bressler’s Food Mart and Sports, Kopp Drug and the Tyrone-Snyder Township Public Library.
Tickets may also be purchased by telephone by calling a special ticket order number at the library at 682-1017. Please allow five days for ticket delivery if ordering by phone.
Today’s featured performer is no stranger to the Tyrone Stage. Barry St. Ives appeared here in Tyrone two years ago as part of the library’s fourth concert series event.
“When Barry was here two years ago he had our guests rolling and howling with laughter,” said library concert chairman Chuck Banas. “Ever since that evening when Barry first appeared, I have had many people coming and asking me directly to see if we could get Barry back here to perform. Well, he is back with a brand new show and funnier than ever,” continued Banas.
Barry comes from Nottingham, England, the land of Sherwood Forest and Robin Hood. He has performed at the London Palladium and worked with some of England’s finest, including Benny Hill, before coming to the United States 15 years ago.
Since then, Barry has delighted audiences all over the country and at sea, appearing with many of the world’s greatest entertainers such as Tom Jones, Willie Nelson, Pat Boone and Englebert Humperdinck in Las Vegas.
His light-hearted comedy and realistic impressions are only superseded by his amazing voice and British charm. This winning combination has made Barry a favorite with multi-national audiences both on land and at sea.
“If Barry is only half as funny as he was the last time he performed here in Tyrone, he will be a smashing hit,” said Banas.
The purpose of the library concert series is to raise funds that are needed in order to help pay the mortgage on the new Tyrone-Snyder Township Public Library located in downtown Tyrone.
After five years of bringing the concert series to Tyrone, the library has been able to raise over $46,000 towards this effort.
“Our entire thought process here was to approach this fund raising effort in a different manner. Rather than ask people to donate money to help keep the library open, we wanted to be able to give something back of value for all of those who would spend the money for a ticket. We wanted to give them back some very high quality and professional shows for the money that they were providing to the library. At the same time, we wanted to get a niche that would be unique to Tyrone. I think we have succeeded in this attempt,” said Banas.
“Not only has it been a good fundraiser for the library, but it has also turned into an area event that has been identified as unique to Tyrone.
“People from all around the area, and the entire state, and out of state for that matter, have been attending the shows.
“Not only is this benefiting the library, but our Tyrone community as well with income being generated with our area merchants and eating establishments,” concluded Banas.
Next week the library plans on making a special announcement concerning a new addition in the development of the concert series.
It appears the library has indeed put together another great show for the community and considering that it is for the support of the Tyrone-Snyder Township Public Library, many people should consider attending this event.
Anyone who has not been able to attend one of the five previous concerts will surely be in for a treat.