Tue. Jan 21st, 2025

Visitor’s Guide

Tyrone of To-Day
The Gateway of the Alleghanies
By Rev. W. H. Wilson

Published 1897
Press of the Herald

The Place and its Advantages
Half a century ago, when the great Pennsylvania R. R. was projected and surveys were made to ascertain the most eligible route, the gap between the mountains where the Little Juniata cleaves its way through the ridges, changing its course abruptly from northwest to southeast, was recognized as the natural gateway between the populous East and undeveloped West. At this point, midway between the capital of Pennsylvania and its western metropolis, being 117 miles by rail from Harrisburg and 131 miles from Pittsburg, was started and has grown up the embryo city of Tyrone, now a place of 7000 inhabitants. A favorable situation, pure air, bold scenery, ready communication with the outside world, solid business enterprises and active, intelligent class of people combine to assure it of a much larger growth. Just as the Allegheny from the north and the Monongahela from the south mingle their waters at Pittsburg and turn together to the west, so at Tyrone the little Bald Eagle creek from its source six miles northeast joins itself to the Juniata from the southwest, the united stream flowing southeast on its way to the Susquehanna; while from the other side of this watershed the waters of the great Bald Eagle flow down to the river at Lock Haven.

Situated near the center of the state, at the most northern point of the main line of the P.R.R., nature and the contrivances of men have united to make it convenient distributing point for commerce. The coal fields of Clearfield and adjoining counties are reached by the T. & C. R. R. and through Bell’s Gap by the Penn’a & N. W. R. R. The Bald Eagle Valley R. R. leads to the valley of the Susquehanna, connecting there with the other lines of the P.R.R. extending to the Hard Coal region on the East and the Lake country in the North and West. The main line of this system gives access to the great cities of the Atlantic Coast and to those of the middle states, being the highway of travel between New York and Chicago and St Louis. Because of its advantages for travel and traffic it is the home of a large number of commercial travelers. The merchant or manufacturer wishing to establish a business where he may easily reach his customers at all points from the Mississippi to the Ocean, and where expenses will be lowest, can find no better location that the thriving town of the Juniata and the mountains.

Looking from one of the eminences which nearly surround it, Tyrone lies spread out before the eye, through not all of it can be seen from any one place. It stretches in an oblong shape, nearly north and south along the river and creek, having an average width of about a half a mile within the borough limits, reaching towards the suburbs of Greensburg on the north, Northwood on the northeast, Nealmont on the southeast, and Thomastown and Grazierville on the southwest. The increasing population overflows each year into these localities, which are no doubt destined to become a part of greater Tyrone, not many years hence.

Nestling among the “Everlasting Hills” on the eastern slope of the mountains, 900 feet above sea level, Tyrone is not less desirable as a place of residence or of temporary sojourn that as a location for business. Its streets are broad and clean and it’s houses neat and comfortable. It has the purest water flowing from the summit of the Alleghanies, gas and electric lights, and schools and churches not inferior to those of larger cities. Those who seek rest and recreation in the hot weather can make no better choice than to spend their vacation in a place which has all the comforts of the city at the least expense, and the freedom and charms of the country brought to their doors. The visitor may find entertainment to his liking in hotel and private house, where his night’s repose will be untroubled by noise or heat or “creature” discomforts.