Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

It won’t be long until passes go on sale again for the upcoming Tyrone Borough pool season at Reservoir Park.
This year pool users will see the unveiling of a renovated facility. Last year, Tyrone Borough Council approved a pool renovations project estimated at about $475,000.
When the bids were opened last year, senior project manager Ken Grubb of CET Engineering explained the basic project and the different choices available to the borough. Council had to decide on a number of alternates to the base project.
“The base bid involves rehabilitating the main pool itself,” said Grubb. “The primary objective here is to put a liner in the bottom of the pool.”
Borough Manager Sharon Dannaway told The Daily Herald this week the project includes the installation of a large circular slide at the three-foot section of the pool and a short straight tube slide in the deep end of the pool. Council is still deciding on the removal of a remaining diving board and is expected to make that decision before the start of the pool season. The project also called for certain mechanical rehabilitations to the pool.
The base bid also included the removal of the entire wading pool area. The project calls for the creation of an “entirely new facility” for the children’s pool area with a number of features. The installation of a new pump for the wading pool is called for in the project.
Ultimately, the borough chose to go with the base bid and an alternate that would have the contractors remove the deck and install a new concrete one. The borough decided against having the contractor do the coating on the deck. Council was advised that borough employees could handle that part of the job.
The bid was awarded to Maines Engineering and Construction, Inc. of Tyrone. The borough earmarked $200,000 in its budget for the project and reallocated CDBG money to complete the funding.
Gary Barr of the borough’s water department said earlier this week that the main concrete deck around the pool has been poured and put in place. A liner at the main pool was also being completed as part of the project.
“It is a complete liner on the bottom, on the sides and that will give it an all brand new surface,” said Barr. He said the liner has a 20-year warranty on it and would not have to be painted for the next 20 years.
Barr said water slides would be put in place in the coming days. A new building has been put in place for the baby pool and interior work needs finished on that building. The baby pool is ready to pour, but the construction company is waiting on a piece for the bottom of the pool before it can be done.
Interior work has also been done in the filter room for chemical storage and chemical feed to the main pool.
Barr expected things to be ready for the traditional Memorial Day weekend opening at least for the main pool. The only delay he could see would be the piece that is still needed to complete the work on the baby pool.
Passes for the pool will go on sale on Monday, May 1 at a discount rate of 10 percent. The discount period will run through June 9. Rates are the same as last year. The pool will be open for Memorial Day weekend on May 27, 28 and 29 and will open on June 6 for the season. Contact the borough’s payment office at 684-1337 for more information.

By Rick