Tyrone basketball faithful
The Tyrone boys basketball team is involved in the PIAA state boys basketball tournament. Please come out to the Golden Eagles/North East game at Clarion University at 7:30 p.m. tonight…
The Tyrone boys basketball team is involved in the PIAA state boys basketball tournament. Please come out to the Golden Eagles/North East game at Clarion University at 7:30 p.m. tonight…
Hershey bound The 112-pound PIAA state qualifiers from last weekend’s Southwest Regionals on the medal stand at the Cambria County War Memorial in Johnstown. Left to right: Fifth place-Jeremy Landowski,…
Keep up with happenings in and around northern Blair County with “In My Opinion,” a weekly column by The Daily Herald’s Staff Writer, Kris Yaniello. Last night’s town hall meeting…
J. Eugene Arnold, 80, of Windy Hill Village of the Presbyterian Homes, Philipsburg, formerly of Osceola Mills, died Monday, March 3, 2008 at 1:50 p.m. at Tyrone Hospital. He was…
Gamesa Energy Project Developer Josh Framel attended Tyrone Borough’s work session last evening and offered council increased figures in the proposed lease agreement for a 10 to 15 turbine wind…