The 2008 Pennsylvania Primary is just a month away, but on April 22, the windmill survey borough residents can opt to take should be the secondary reason to go out and vote. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has become a key state for the nod of democratic candidate for the presidential race.
I was watching a Saturday Night Live spoof two weeks ago depicting senators and democratic nominees Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. The skit can be best summarized as SNL pretending Obama was elected as president and in the White House, constantly calling Clinton to seek advice on how he should do his job. Yes, it was comedy, but it brought up a good point – experience.
Not taking anything away from Obama’s political career thus far, but that career is far less as deep as Clinton’s. Only going back to 1992, when Hillary became First Lady beside her husband, President Bill Clinton, she spent eight years in the White House. During Bill’s two-terms, I don’t think Hillary was cooking for the staff and cleaning the Lincoln bedroom.
Hillary traveled the globe speaking out against the degradation and abuse of women, and standing up for the idea that women’s rights are human rights. She also led efforts to make adoption easier, expand early learning and child care, increase funding for breast cancer research, and help veterans suffering from Gulf War syndrome.
Clinton also fought hard for universal health coverage while First Lady, which was unsuccessful, but her commitment to health care for every American remains a top priority for her.
In 2000, Hillary was elected to the U.S. Senate from New York. Since then, she’s been an advocate for children and families, and has been a national leader on homeland security and national security issues. After the tragedy of September 11, 2001, she worked with her colleagues to secure the funds New York needed to recover and rebuild. She fought to provide compensation to families of 9/11 victims, grants for hard-hit small businesses, and health care for front line workers at Ground Zero.
All of that is in Clinton’s past 16 years, but as her 2008 campaign treads forward, she has been addressing the important issues that can bring America to its feet after the Bush Administration leaves office. Hillary’s political experience and the working relations she has already established around the world as First Lady, makes her the best democratic candidate to make a run for president.
One of Clinton’s goals is to strengthen the middle class. She says the middle class won’t be “invisible” if she is in the White House. By lowering taxes for middle class families, providing quality and affordable health care, making college accessible and affordable, confronting problems in the housing market, and creating a $50 billion Strategic Energy Fund to jump-start research and development of alternative energies, are just some of the ideas in her blueprint to restore the middle class and provide opportunities for all Americans.
Hillary’s stand on the Iraq War is quite simple – end the war, stating, “not next year, not next month – but today.” She says that one of her first official actions as president would be to convene the Joint Chiefs of Staff, her Secretary of Defense, and her National Security Council. She would direct them to draw up a clear, viable plan to bring our troops home starting with the first 60 days of her Administration. She would also direct the Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs to prepare a comprehensive plan to provide the highest quality health care and benefits to every service member – including every member of the National Guard and Reserves – and their families.
As president, Hillary would focus American aid efforts during our redeployment on stabilizing Iraq, not propping up the Iraqi government. She would direct aid to the entities – whether governmental or non-governmental – most likely to get it into the hands of the Iraqi people. She would also support the appointment of a high level U.N. representative – similar to those appointed in Afghanistan, Bosnia, and Kosovo – to help broker peace among the parties in Iraq.
Clinton also wants to restore America’s reputation around the world, which will promote our interests, ensure our security, and advance our values. As First Lady and U.S. Senator, Hillary visited more than 80 countries and met countless world leaders as America’s representative. In the Senate, she has continued to promote America’s interests through her work on international affairs.
America has a very serious and daily threat of terrorism. Hillary believes President Bush’s singular focus on Iraq has distracted him from waging the war on terror effectively and emboldened our enemies. As president, Clinton says she will be tough and smart in combating terrorism.
I think Obama has many of the same goals, cares and concerns that Clinton has, but I question whether he’s been around the block enough to tackle these issues head on. This election isn’t about white or black, or being a man or woman, but instead, experience.
There’s many issues that need addressed in our country, and I’ve simply touched on how Clinton plans to act on a few of them. Personally, I would be more confident with someone with experience leading our country. Someone who has been there and knows what being president is all about.
Plus, it can’t be so bad to lean over and ask the First Man of the White House for advice on an issue when that man was a two-term President of the United States.
That’s just my opinion.