Mon. Mar 17th, 2025 12:33:19 AM

The United States Census Bureau conducts a census of the population and housing of the United States every 10 years.
Census data drive reapportionment and redistricting decisions can directly affect the distribution of more than $200 billion in federal funds each year. The census is based on an up-to-date address list compiled from many sources.
The Borough of Tyrone needs everyone’s help to ensure that the census bureau address list is as accurate as possible.
Accurate census data is important to the Tyrone community in a number of ways. In addition to the constitutional requirements for the decennial census to apportion seats in the U.S. House of Representatives, census data is used to allocate federal monies to state and local governments.
Additionally, significant amounts of state-generated funds are distributed on the basis of population data. Other statistical census data supports grant applications that fund community, social, economic, and environmental programs and other needed improvements and enhancements.
Census data also helps communities plan for future needs.
The next census will take place within the next 180 days. People from the census bureau will come door to door to conduct its census. It is very important to the community that everyone takes part. Much of the state and federal funding Tyrone receives is based on our population.
Over $900 in funding is lost for every person not counted in the census.
In the 2000 census, the population of Pennsylvania was 12,281,054. Blair County held a population of 129,144. Tyrone Borough’s population was 5,528.
Tyrone Borough’s population in 1960 was 7,792.
The census is very detailed and inquires on the following: population, land area, race, hispanic, age cohorts, migration, households/families, types of households, households with children, housing units, homeowners/renters, types of housing units, year householder moved in, housing values, income, range of household incomes, poverty status, educational attainment, employment status, employment by occupation, employment by industry and commuting to work.

By Rick