Sat. Mar 15th, 2025

In recognition of March as National Kidney Month and March 13 as World Kidney Day, officials at Tyrone Hospital have announced that the National Kidney Foundation will provide their Kidney Early Evaluation Program (KEEP) at Tyrone Hospital in April.
The screening helps in the early detection of kidney disease in people who are at risk.
“Most people know that heart disease and cancer can be silent killers, but many people are unaware that Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is another common, life-threatening illness that often goes undetected until the disease is very advanced,” said Pawan Gupta, M.D., Nephrologist (kidney specialist) on the medical staff at Tyrone Hospital and member of the National Kidney Foundation of the Alleghenies Board of Directors.
According to the National Kidney Foundation, 26 million Americans have CKD and millions more are at risk. Today’s epidemics of diabetes and obesity could contribute to even higher rates of CKD disease in the future.
Dr. Gupta said the kidneys are the body’s “master chemists” and they play a role in the regulation of some important body processes. When kidney function is impaired, these processes are thrown off and serious health consequences ensue, including kidney failure, heart attacks and stroke.
“High blood pressure and diabetes are the two most common causes of kidney disease,” said Dr. Gupta. “Fortunately, some simple tests can help detect kidney disease in the early stages of development. Caught early, it can often be managed, and kidney damage can be slowed or stopped. That’s why early testing for people at risk is so important.”
The National Kidney Foundation’s KEEP screening is for people 18 years of age or older who have high blood pressure, diabetes, or a family history of chronic kidney disease. The screening is free and includes a blood pressure check, weight measurement, blood testing, and urine testing. Screening participants will receive a report of their results and they can also request to have a copy of their results sent to their physician. Dr. Gupta will be on site to answer questions.
The National Kidney Foundation KEEP screening will be held in the classroom at Tyrone Hospital on April 11 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Those who wish to participate in the screening may make an appointment by calling the National Kidney Foundation at 1-800-261-4115. Appointments are now being scheduled and are provided on a first come first served basis. A limited number of appointments are available.
The KEEP screening in Tyrone is made possible through the cooperative efforts of the National Kidney Foundation, Tyrone Hospital and Pawan Gupta, M.D., Nephrologist.

By Rick