Mon. Mar 17th, 2025

Eagle Patrol No. 2 of Cub Scout Pack 320 earned first place honors for overall performance, and second place honors for the sled racing event at the Penn’s Woods Council’s Webelos Klondike Derby. The derby was held Saturday, February 23 at Camp Anderson, Tyrone. Thirteen patrols from seven local packs attended the all day event. All patrols were required to pull their homemade klondike sleds to each of 10 different stations located throughout the camp. At each station the scouts had 20 minutes to perform a specific task using their scouting skills. The scouts were rewarded up to a total of 10 points at each station, depending upon their performance. Fire building, knot tying, shelter construction, lashing, problem solving, archery, rescue, hot meal preparation, and an obstacle course were several of the challenges presented to the scouts. From left: Aaron Mogle, Tyler Goddard, Andrew Bartos and Jacob Makdad. (Courtesy photo)

By Rick