Additional audition dates have been scheduled for The Tyrone Community Players’ upcoming comedy/drama production of The Octette Bridge Club. Open call auditions will be held Sunday and Monday, August 10 and 11 at 7 p.m. in The Building, home of the TCP, located at 1019 Logan Ave., Tyrone. Auditions will consist of readings from the script.
The Octette Bridge Club contains a cast of eight women, sisters, who meet every other Friday evening to play bridge, and one man, a reporter, whose character is in Act one only. The play spans two decades and the sister’s ages cross 25 years.
There is a sister to suit any actress’s age and particular talents so do not miss this outstanding opportunity to develop a character you can “sink your teeth into.”
If you have any questions about auditions, please phone Jim McDonald, director, at 684-1168 or phone The ArtsLine at 684-ART2.