Tyrone Borough residents are reminded that a snow accumulation of three inches or more will initiate the odd/even parking policy in the borough. So that the snow can be plowed back to the curb, vehicles must be parked on the odd numbered side of the street on the odd numbered days and on the even numbered side of the street on the even numbered days. Those living on streets with one side parking only must remove their vehicles to another area, as it relates to the odd/even plowing requirement. If the snow occurs overnight, vehicles must be moved by 8 a.m. the following morning. Failure to comply with this order will result in your vehicle being towed.
Sidewalks must be cleared of snow/ice within 24 hours of the completion of the snowfall. If the sidewalk is icy, the responsible person shall cause enough sand, salt or abrasive to be put on the sidewalk to make travel reasonably safe. Snow is to be piled on the edge of your sidewalk and not thrown into the street. Any person who shall violate any provision of this order shall, by Ordinance No. 1075, be subject to a fine.
When clearing spots for parking your vehicle or digging out your vehicle remember, it is not permitted to pile the snow on the street in front of or behind your vehicle. You must pile the snow on the edge of your sidewalk or property. Large piles of snow on the roadway are prohibited as they obstruct the view of vehicles pulling out from our borough street corners. This practice also takes up additional parking spaces, which are badly needed.
When possible, notification of snow emergency procedures will be broadcasted on WTRN Radio. If you have questions, please feel free to call the borough office at 684-1330.
By order of: Tyrone Borough Council and Police Department.