Thu. Mar 6th, 2025
The Tyrone-Snyder Public Library is missing a familiar face these days because of the recent retirement of Director Marilyn (Lynne) Nearhoof.
The library board held her retirement party last week, complete with personal citations from the State House and Senate for her years of public service. She received citations from the offices of Representatives Jerry Stern and Mike Fleck, and Senator John Eichelberger appeared in person to present Lynne with a special citation.
Lynne, no stranger to moving, having moved the library twice in her 28 year tenure as director/librarian, decided it was time to move onto retirement.
A native of Ford City, PA and a graduate of Clarion State College, Lynne’s first experience as a librarian was as elementary librarian for Palmyra School District. She moved to Warriors Mark with her husband, Elmer Nearhoof, when he was hired at the Tyrone Area School District as earth sciences teacher. They welcomed two new arrivals to their family: Sharon and Amy. As her daughters moved into school age, Lynne served as a substitute teacher in the local schools. Then in April, 1979, another move. Lynne was hired as librarian/director of the Tyrone Snyder Public Library after the death of Evelyn Rorabaugh.
At that time, the library was located in a former house at 1055 Logan Avenue. A few months after she was hired, the library board decided to buy the old Elks building at 1019 Logan Avenue and informed Lynne that she would be responsible for planning and executing the library’s move. Lynne took moving in her stride and organized both the collection and the people. Volunteers from the town walked the books to the library’s new location. She continued as librarian/director at this building, expanding the book collection and the library’s services to the community. In 1996, under her leadership, the library moved into the computer age and put into place an automated collection and patron management system. Patrons no longer needed to use the card catalog, but could check the status of a book or search for resources on various topics using the online card catalog. Computers for patron use were also added.
By the year 2000, it was becoming evident to the board, the director, and the public that once again it was time for the library to move. The building, which had once seemed limitless, was now struggling to meet the needs of the increasing collection and additional services and programs for patrons of all ages. After several years of exploring potential facilities and searching for a perfect location – one that would be easily available to all – the Tyrone-Snyder Public Library was ready to move once again. In April 2004, 25 years after she was hired, Lynne helped move the library into the new building at 1000 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Recently, Lynne decided that it was time for one more move. As of June 30, she retired as director of the Tyrone-Snyder Public Library.
In her over 28 years with the library, Lynne has impressed all the volunteers who worked with her as “a caring, kind, sensitive person to work with.”
Assistant Director Judie Adams added, “Lynne’s friendliness and rapport was what drew me to the library. Her leadership and direction as an administrator have been invaluable to me over the past 21 years.”
(Editor’s note: Information for this article was reprinted from the July 19, 2007 edition of the library’s column for The Daily Herald, “From the Stacks”.)
From left: Susan Gummo, treasurer; Mike McNelis, board member; Vicki Aults, board member; Lynne Nearhoof, retired director; Susan Hunter, president; Judie Adams, acting director; Linda Daniels, vice-president; Fred Thomas, secretary.
Senator John Eichelberger presents a special citation to Lynne Nearhoof at her retirement party held last week at the Tyrone-Snyder Public Library
Lynne Nearhoof, middle, is shown with Tyrone-Snyder Public Library Board President Susan Hunter and Blair County Library Coordinator Tim Salony

By Rick