Fri. Jan 17th, 2025
Compiled by Amanda Golden
Information for this column is compiled from The Daily Herald
digital archive. Articles are printed in original form, as they appeared
in the newspaper at the time of publication.
Ten years ago, August 26, 1998
On Target: TASD School Start
There is no doubt about it. The first day of school for students in the:Tyrone Area School District is definitely September 15. Meanwhile, Tyrone High School Principal David Helinskl says there is a major change in the attitudes of Tyrone students as they begin the new year with a renewed focus on discipline.
At a meeting of the board last night held in the high school auditorium, Superintendent Dr. William N. Miller re-emphasized the opening date of school.
“Rumors are flying school will not be ready to open until sometime October,” said Dr. Miller. “Not so. School will open even if we have to bag the lunches.”
Miller was referring to extensive renovation taking place in the cafeteria which may not be totally completed with school’s start.
“Students can get by for a short time while renovation of the library continues, but possibly bag lunches will be the answer until the cafeteria is done,” said Miller.
In the meantime, every effort is being made to have the cafeteria ready in time for the beginning of the new school year.
The $12 million project, including the high school renovation and middle school addition, is moving along with its completion aimed for late 1999.
Twenty-five years ago, August 25, 1983
Open House Set This Weekend: Tyrone Fire Police Trace Roots To 1890’s
The Tyrone Fire Police will celebrate a decade of work on their headquarters building with an open house Saturday and Sunday from 1 p.m.-5 p.m.
The fire police began its history in 1890, when the fire patrol was added to the fire department. At that time they had a team of horses, a wagon equipped with a fire extinguisher, sledge hammers, ropes, and tarpaulins. When they were on duty, they acted as special police officers.
Their duty was to control crowds and to protect life and property.
After World War I, the group operated without a vehicle of its own, but continued to serve as fire police. The present unit as it now exists was formed after World War II. In the late 1950’s, the group purchased a used truck for transportation. At that time, the state law put them under the jurisdiction of the police department with all police powers necessary to control traffic and crowds, and to protect life and property.
Since that time, the organization has purchased four secondhand trucks and a new” Ford Van, the present vehicle, in 1972. These units were housed in various buildings. Seeing the need for a building and garage for the organization, Tyrone borough leased the piece of land on 15th St. which Is now the fire police headquarters. Work on the building began in 1973, and all improvements have recently been completed. All of the work was performed -by members of the unit.
In the time period from 1973-1983,’ five members of the organization passed away: Arthur Rhoades, James Dawson Sr., George Frantz, Charles Houck, and Harvey Wolf. Wolf was the first member of the Tyrone fire service to die in the line of duty when he was a heart attack victim on March 29, 1983, while responding to a general alarm on Pennsylvania ave.
Present officers of the group are captain Earl ‘Peck’ Dawson, first lieutenant Frank Lalli, second lieutenant Thomas Moore, and secretary-treasurer George Kaup. Active members include Sam Bridges, James Bridges, Arthur Colyer, Byron Faust, Donald Greene, Rickey Miles, Amos Stimer, Eugene Zimmerman, John Williams, John Stimer, and Walter Weber. Inactive members are Patsy DelBaggio and Virl Foster.
Seventy-five years ago, August 29, 1933
Bald Eagle Pilgrims to rally Sept. 2
The Seventh Annual Bald Eagle Pilgrimage and Rally Day will, be held Saturday, Sept. 2, 1933, from 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. at Bald Eagle. All persons who have ever lived in that community and their friends, or whose parents or grandparents came from that community are invited to be present. An entertaining program of music and contests has been prepared. Lunch and refreshments for sale on the ground. The Rally has become an enjoyable annual affair, the object is to meet old friends and relatives and make new friends; to renew interest in the community; to keep alive the old traditions and customs of social gatherings and to instill into each coming generation a respect and reverence for those who have gone before.
One hundred years ago, August 27, 1908
Big Time at Warriorsmark
The Grangers at Warriorsmark are preparing for a great blow out on Saturday, August 29. They will have a big basket picnic in Funk’s Grove near the town at which nearly every farmer and his family will attend. These gatherings have always been a success and each year larger crowds attend and in order to please everyone the committee in charge has secured the Warriorsmark Cornet band which is considered
the best musical organization in Huntingdon county to furnish the music. There will also be a varied line of intensely interesting amusements such as sack races, ladies’ nail driving and wood sawing contests, pole vaulting high jumping and foot races.
Everybody is invited to attend. The grounds are admirably located and everything is iu shape to make the outing a pronounced success. Refreshments will be served from stands in the grove. Remember the date and place, and that everybody is most cordially invited to attend.

By Rick