Thu. Mar 6th, 2025

To the Editor,
We are writing to express our appreciation to Tina Murray and the Tyrone Football Team and coaches for their support through our father’s struggle with cancer. This group of young men and their mentors went above and beyond to show their appreciation to our father for the things he has done for the team and community. We know that he was extremely appreciative of their visits and support as well. Not only did Coach Templeton and players Matthew Murray, Ben Ingle, Devon Miller, Cody Weaver, Jared Templeton and Curt Emery visit him, but the entire team signed and presented him with a wonderful card of comfort and gratitude. This team should certainly be commended for their extreme acts of kindness.

Thank you from son and daughters of  Robert Maser and their families.
Kimberly Williams
Debra Shawley

By Rick