Fri. Jan 17th, 2025

What a great season for Blair United. The U-10 Co-ed team has won 5 of their 6 games this spring. 19-0 against Bedford 2, 6-4 over Bedford 1, 6-0 over Huntingdon, 4-1 over West Branch and 17-1 over Bellefonte. Their only loss was a 4-2 decision to Mo Valley.
Coach Mike D’Angelo is so proud of how far these kids have come in the past season. “Their dedication to this team was the key to their success,” said D’Angelo.
Blair United is hard at work with sometimes two practices a week plus the occasional scrimmage with local teams. They have only one more game this season and hope to pull out a win against Hollidaysburg this Sunday.
Blair United also had the addition of a U-8 Friendly Travel team. They were originally brought together with the indoor season at the Summit and decided to continue playing this spring to better their skills. They won all but one game and have hopes to play some more throughout the summer.
Blair United Soccer Club would like to take the opportunity to thank all the sponsors who made this season possible. PC Works Plus, Creative Style & Tanning Salon, Paint Rite, DelGrosso’s, Rossi’s Corner Store, Computer Pro’s Plus, Photos By Design, Yellow Roadway, Michaels Photo and Center Region Stone Supply. Also to Northern Blair Recreation Center for the use of their fields for practices and home games for the U-8 team.
Special Thanks to the coaches (Mike D’Angelo, Travis Broadbent and Peter Baran), parents and kids. Congratulations on a great season.

Blair United U-8 Travel
Front row (left to right): Jenna Bartlett, Ethan Vipond, Quinn Johnson, Cate Baran, Riley D’Angelo and Brynn Swogger. Back row: Alainna Nevling, Adalee Broadbent, Bryce Bauer and Carter Johnson. Not pictured are: Zach Patterson, Brandon Loose and Lauren Taylor. (Daily Herald/Courtesy Photo)

By Rick