The Tyrone Community Players are very busy finishing their 23rd season of live theater in our hometown. As you read this, 51 young people are working hard to prepare their production of Disney\’s The Jungle Book on June 15 and 16, while Patsy Cline is waiting in the wings to meet you for dinner theater in August.
As this season comes to a grand, glorious and successful conclusion, the next is well into the planning stages. The first item on the agenda for this company is the selection of the plays and musicals that will comprise their 24th season. To that end the Play Reading Committee has been doing some major detective work to search out quality, entertaining and diverse scripts. Then they spent the winter curled up in their easy chairs reading everything they found. It is a daunting task but the intrepid readers have narrowed the options to two selections for each time slot in the TCP main stage schedule: one autumn show, a spring musical and a dinner theater production. Children\’s theater productions are handled as separate from the TCP regular schedule.
Now it\’s up to you!
On Thursday, May 17, the TCP will sponsor a membership meeting in The Building, home of the TCP, located at 1019 Logan Ave. at 7 p.m. Anyone who has participated with the TCP – onstage, backstage or as a supporter – is welcome to attend. The purpose of this meeting is for you, the heart of The Tyrone Community Players, to listen to a synopsis of the shows, (read in character by members of the TCP Production Committee) regale in a bit of the music and make the final choices for the next season. It is an exciting opportunity for everyone to have a voice in the \”look and sound\” of the new season.
If you are unable to attend but would like information on the productions and how to vote, please phone the ArtsLine at 684-ART2. This community theater belongs to all of us. Let\’s choose a season together!