Thu. Mar 6th, 2025

(Editor’s note: Recently, The Daily Herald sent out letters to individuals listed in our coverage area who have filed for candidacy in the May 15 primary election. Individuals were asked to send back the information so that the Herald could spotlight each candidate to the public. The Daily Herald compiled the information on the candidates and is currently running the spotlight articles to provide complete coverage of the election to our readers. It should be noted that if a candidate did not provide information to the Herald, then no information will be printed about them for the upcoming election.)
There is a long list of area residents vying for a seat on the board of Blair County Commissioners. Bobbi Ellenberger Yoder of Duncansville has added her name to that list.
Yoder stated that she has attended Commissioner meetings for a year and a half, seeing how government works.
“Through my business experience owning and operating Eldorado Stone Company for 30 years, I have realized the county is a business and should be run as a business,” Yoder said.
When it comes to the long debated issue of county-wide reassessment, Yoder said that if elected she will not vote for it.
“Reassessment is a way for government to raise taxes,” according to Yoder. “The tax payers of Blair County pay enough property taxes. The cost of reassessment may reach four to six million dollars and that is a cost that the tax payers should not have to bear.”
Yoder feels the county needs to explore other revenue sources and cut the cost of government.
She also feels that the county needs to address the increasing drug and crime problems which are leading to the overpopulation of the Blair County Prison.
Yoder thinks that the county needs to bring new industry to the area and create good paying jobs. She also feels that the county needs to look for ways to keep county business in the county.
Yoder and her husband Ron have been married for 25 years. They live in Duncansville with their two children, Wyatt and Sami. They belong to the United Church of Christ in Claysburg. She is also a member of the Hollidaysburg Area Junior and Senior High School parent advisory committee. She is also the venue coordinator for the Special Olympics Nordic Games.
“We are facing many challenges. A commissioner needs to move the county forward, that’s the kind of commissioner I will be,” Yoder said. “The job of commissioner is a full time position; it cannot be considered a part time job.”
“I will serve the people of Blair County and do what is in the best interest of all the people of Blair County.”
Yoder will be running on the Republican ballot.

By Rick