Some two thousand years ago, thirteen men gathered in a room to share the Hebrew Passover observance. For the twelve Disciples, the mood at the beginning of the meal must have been joyous, reflecting the triumphal entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem just a few short days before. What was meant to be an historical remembrance of the sparing of the Hebrew faithful when the Angel of Death \”passed over\” their doors marked with the blood of the sacrificial lamb, would forever take on new meaning. For the Son of Man was going to become the sacrificial lamb and through that act take on the sins of the world. When Jesus began to speak of betrayal, that this would be their last meal together and that He would be going where they could not follow, what must they have thought? Join with members of Grace Baptist Church in the Upper Room, as they recreate the last meal and listen to the thoughts of the faithful Twelve as they speak of their lives with Him and ponder which one of them would betray their Lord. Grace Baptist Church, on Columbia Ave., would like to invite everyone to a live, intimate drama of the Last Supper tonight. Special music will begin at 6:30 p.m. with the Last Supper re-enactment beginning at 7 p.m. (Courtesy photo)