Tyrone Borough Council held their first meeting for April on Monday evening. The Council met in executive session prior to the meeting to discuss personnel issues.
The meeting was called to order slightly after 7 p.m. by Mayor Jim Kilmartin. All council members were present.
During the public comment portion of the meeting, Tyrone Area Elementary School Principal Micki Dutrow and Tyrone Area School District Early Childhood Coordinator Melissa Russell were present to discuss the various early childhood programs the school district offers and the need for the proposed $75 million for early childhood that Governor Rendell is asking the legislature to approve. They asked the Council for their support and presented the option of writing letters to local legislators.
Dutrow also presented the possibility of the YMCA summer camp housed at Tyrone Area Elementary School using the Tyrone Community Pool and Reservoir Park, rather than busing 60 children to the Bellwood Community Pool two to three days a week. Borough Manager Sharon Dannaway asked the School District to present them with a copy of the agreement they had with Bellwood so they can look it over and discuss this a a later Council meeting.
Following this presentation, all minutes from the March 12 and March 16 Council meetings were unanimously approved.
It was announced that all financial reports and the Police Department report would be available at a later meeting.
During the Borough Manager’s report, Borough Manager Sharon Dannaway reported that they will be looking for a new EMA Director for the Borough, to replace the late Jim Beckwith. She also asked Council for their approval of the consent order for wastewater treatment/discharge for American Eagle Paper Mill. Dannaway stated they had three options and Team Ten had to approve one of them. Team Ten approved the third option. Tim Nulton, from the Tyrone Wastewater Treatment Plant said that this program will be beneficial for the Borough. Team Ten will reimburse the Borough $10,000 for the cost to bring in the engineer and other expenses so this will cost the Borough very little. All Council Members voted in favor of this except for Council Member Steve Hanzir, who abstained.
During the Solicitor’s report, Borough Solicitor Larry Clapper asked Council to consider a request from the County for interim tax reassessments. This would occur if, for instance, a property is vacant and someone builds on it, the Borough can reassess it for tax purposes. Clapper said that this will help the Borough’s tax situation and that other municipalities that he works with have been approving this option. All Council Members voted in favor of this except for Council Member Bill Fink, who voted against it.
During the Code Enforcement Department report, the Borough was asked to approve the consolidation of two properties on West 10th Street. Richard and Ann Searer have asked the Borough to consolidate the property their house sits on and the adjacent property where they are currently demolishing a house on it and plan to build a garage. All Council Members approved the consolidation of the properties, so the Searer’s will have one deed for both lots.
Council members also asked about the building at the corner of Pennsylvania Avenue and 10th Street, owned by Bill and Barbara Loner. Code Enforcement Officer Tom Lang reported that the Loner’s recently obtained a building permit to complete the needed repairs to the building. Council Members also were concerned about the former YMCA building on Logan Avenue. Council asked Lang and Borough Manager Sharon Dannaway to contact the bank involved and the former YMCA board to set up a meeting to resolve the situation with this building.
Council also reported that the work at Reservoir Park will begin after the Labor Day picnic and that Borough Manager Sharon Dannaway informed the Rotary that they may have to make alternative plans for Farm City Day next October. The Rotary informed Dannaway that they have already discussed alternative options for this event.