The 17th Annual Tyrone Day was held at the Vineyards Country Club in Naples, Florida on Saturday, February 24. Forty-seven persons attended who have their roots in Tyrone. Some of those who attended were former Tyrone residents who moved to Florida early to seek career opportunities. Some who attended were retirees from Tyrone who moved for the warmer climate of Southwest Florida. Others were Tyrone folks vacationing in the area to escape the northern winter. A grand time was had by all!
The event opened at 11 a.m. with registration and social hour. Judie Black welcomed the group and guided them on an imaginary stroll through downtown Tyrone during the early fifties. The group participated and recalled the many businesses that lined the once bustling streets of Pennsylvania Avenue and 10th Street. All could see, in their minds, the Pennsylvania Hotel, the Wilson and El Patio Theatres, as well as Garman’s and Lugg and Edmonds Department Stores.
They could “see” Meb Getz in a white apron as he arranged fresh produce in front of his grocery store. Some could almost “smell” the yummy scents pouring out of Kienzel’s Bakery.
“What about Acklin’s Jewelry Store and Fifty Pipers?” someone called from the back of the room. “Yes, and Shaffer’s Grocery Store!” called another. Other businesses were named, with affection as well as the folks who worked there: Blatchford’s Furniture Store, Ben Franklin and McCrory’s 5&10 cent stores, the old Gardner’s Candy Store and Gardner’s Clothing Store, to name a few.
“It was so busy in downtown Tyrone on Friday and Saturday nights that you could hardly find space to walk on the sidewalks,” someone remarked. The Tyroners also talked about the busy train station and the underground tunnel they walked through to board trains.
“These are the places, the people and the memories that serve as a connecting thread between us. This is the thread that binds us together. If we mentioned these places to others, not from Tyrone, not from that time, they could not see what we collectively just saw here together,” concluded Judie Black.
Orange and black papers with Tyrone trivia questions were placed on the tables to continue the nostalgia during the luncheon. Door prizes were awarded after lunch, and socializing continued.
Appreciation was expressed to all who contributed to the party. Gardner’s Candies donated favors for the tables, Chaney Reese and Velda Kanour donated door prizes. Special thanks went out to the committee members who hosted the event. The committee members, all from THS class of 1960, organized the event and contributed door prizes. They are: Judie Eckroth Black, Barbara Kingston Sampson, Cheri Bass Dow and Bonnie Gebhart Garner.
Those in attendance were: Margaret Beyer, Judie and Dave Black, Annis Bonsell, Carol and Jack Branter, Gretta Czap, Cheri and Bill Dow, Linda and Murray Fetzer, Beverly and David Fisher, Bonnie and Steve Garner, Martha and Darrell Golden, Bonnie and Charles Houser, Chalmer Irvin, Rodney Irvin, James Irvin, Mary Ellen Jones, Velda Kanour, Virginia Kepler, Evelyn and Clair McClellan, Caroline Myers, Carol and Russel Miller, Mary and Jim Philage, Beverly and Chaney Reese, Barbara Sampson, Sue and Tony Singer, Florence and Max Spicer, Janet Sweitzer, Maureen and Ray Trenary, Peggy and Larry Walker, Sally Wilder and Linda and Mike Wilson.
Any Tyrone residents or former Tyrone residents who are interested in attending Tyrone Day in Naples, Florida next year, please contact: Barbara Sampson: 6145 Reserve Circle, No. 1702, Naples, FL 34119, phone: 239-353-6564, email
Tyrone Day is always held on the last Saturday in February. Everyone is welcome.