Thu. Mar 6th, 2025

The Tyrone Hospital medical staff donated $1,000 to the Women’s Club of Tyrone to support their fundraising effort to benefit orthopedic services at Tyrone Hospital.
The Women’s Club is holding their third annual Dinner Dance and Silent Auction to benefit Tyrone Hospital.
It will be held on Saturday March 24 at the US Hotel in Hollidaysburg. Dancing will follow the silent auction.
The event will begin at 6 p.m. with appetizers, a cash bar, and live music. Dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m..
The silent auction will run throughout the evening. Patrons will have a chance to bid on various baskets and gift certificates donated by local businesses and supporters of the Tyrone Hospital.
Auction items include: a four-day, three-night trip to Mexico; a two-day Memorial Day weekend bus trip to Atlantic City; two framed prints by local artist/illustrator George LaVanish; a one-day guided fly fishing trip on Spruce Creek for two, courtesy of Spring Ridge Club; footballs autographed by Penn State coach Joe Paterno and former Notre Dame coach Ara Parseghian and women’s jewelry. There will be other auction items as well.
Patrons can also purchase raffle tickets to win a basket of cheer featuring a variety of wines and liquor.
Tickets are $40 per person and can be purchased from event co-chairpersons, Judy Norris at 684-3050, Suzanne Bigelow Cherry at 942-4389 or the Tyrone Area Chamber of Commerce at 684-0739.

By Rick