Thu. Jan 16th, 2025

Annual Mission’s Convention
First Assembly of God, Tyrone, will be having their annual Mission’s Convention through February 28 with four different missionaries on four nights. Services are at 6:30 p.m. Sunday through Tuesday and the annual Mission’s banquet is Wednesday at 6 p.m. with the missionary speaking at 7 p.m.
Everyone is welcome to come and hear these missionary speakers.

TYBA final registration
Tyrone Youth Baseball Association will hold final registration for major and minor baseball leagues on Tuesday, February 27 at the Bull Pen Restaurant.
Any boy or girl born between may 1, 1994 and April 30, 2002 is eligible to play. Those registering must have an original copy of their birth certificate.
Those who did not turn in last year’s uniform are asked to bring it to registration.
Anyone with questions can contact Peggy Snyder, player agent, at 684-9604 or Jerry Shetler, President, at 684-2567.

Church of the Good Shepherd youth breakfasts
All sixth through 12th graders in the community are welcome to attend Church of the Good Shepherd\’s annual \”Lenten breakfasts\”. The Breakfast will be held each Wednesday until Easter, beginning February 28. Breakfast will be served at 7 a.m., and is held in the church social hall and includes lots of delicious home-cooking, along with a short time of reflection led by teens from different youth groups in the community. If you have questions, or if your youth group would like to help lead a \”reflection time\”, call the church office at 684-2472.

Soccer registration
This is the last chance for Spring 2007 Tyrone soccer registration. Interested individuals can register through February 28 at the Northern Blair County Recreation Center. Participants must have been born between August 1, 1992 and January 31, 2002. The season runs April 1 through June 3.
Anyone with questions can call Steve Lucas at 684-1218 or Kim Eaken at 684-3213.

TACM announces Lenten luncheon schedule
Tyrone Area Cooperative Ministries (TACM) has announced its Lenten luncheon series to be held each Wednesday, through March 28, in preparation of the celebration of Easter.
The Church of the Good Shepherd will once again host the Lenten luncheons beginning at noon each week with special music by Joan Smith.
On February 28 the message will presented by the Rev. Barry Neal of Christ United Methodist Church. The luncheon will be prepared by members of Wesley United Methodist Church.
The March 7 program is in charge of the Rev. Patricia Gable, pastor of the Port Matilda United Methodist Church. The meal will be prepared by members of the First Presbyterian Church.
The Rev. Joseph T. Orr of St. Matthew Catholic Church will be the speaker at the March 14 luncheon. The meal will be prepared by Quest Haven.
The Rev. Susan H. Yatta of the First English Lutheran Church will bring the message for the March 14 Lenten luncheon. Dinner will be served by members of the Bald Eagle United Methodist Church.
The cost of Lenten luncheon is $5 and persons planning to attend should notify their church office by Monday of each week. Also, persons attending are encouraged to bring along canned goods to be given to the Tyrone Food Bank.
Money realized from Lenten luncheons will benefit the Breaking Bread Ministries of the Church of the Good Shepherd.

Class of 1952
The Tyrone High School class of 1952 will hold a luncheon at Joe’s Place, Vail, on Thursday, March 1 at noon. All classmates and guests are welcome.
Medication check-ups offered at Tyrone Senior
Community Center
Blair Senior Services, Inc. and Tyrone Hospital are co-sponsoring “Medication Check-Ups” at the Tyrone Senior Community Center on Thursday, March 8. The private, individual “medication check-ups” will be provided by Mr. Dan Irvin, PharmD, a pharmacist at Tyrone Hospital.
The “check-ups” will include a review of prescribed medications, checking for drug interactions, review of medication precautions, medication side effects, and the effects of any over the counter drugs, vitamins, and herbal remedies.
The “medication check-ups” are open to individuals age 60 or older as well as family members or other caregivers who assist with medication. Appointments are required and a limited number of appointments are available. To make an appointment for a medication check-up call Tyrone Hospital at 684-6348. The Tyrone Senior Center is located at 505 West 3rd Street in Tyrone.

Preschool vision screening
Preschool vision screenings will be held March 9 at Tyrone Presbyterian Preschool at 9:15 a.m.

NARFE meeting
The National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association, Chapter 328, met February 9 at noon at King’s Restaurant, Altoona, for lunch and a business meeting.
It was reported that the annual Christmas dinner in Bellwood will be held as planned on December 14. The cost was also established. Helen Hanlon made a reservation at American Legion Park, Hollidaysburg, for the August picnic.
The next meeting will be at noon at King’s on Friday, March 9. All active and retired Federal employees and spouses are welcome.

Curves food drive
Curves will hold a food drive to benefit local food banks during March. To celebrate the generosity of the community, Curves will waive the normal service fee for any new member who brings in a bag of non-perishable groceries and joins between March 1 and March 10. Others wishing to donate may drop of non-perishable food items at Curves, located next to the Dollar General, Monday through Saturday during business hours.

The Bellwood-Antis AARP Chapter No. 1063 meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 14 at 1 p.m. at the Bellwood-Antis Senior Center on Main Street.
Old and new members are welcome. This years meetings will be held April 11, May 9, June 13, August 8, September 12, October 10 and November 14.

Relay team vendor fair
The Olivet Baptist Church Relay for Life team is planning a vendor fair event, as well as a bake sale and open kitchen to benefit the American Cancer Society.
The fair will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, March 24 at Olivet Baptist Church recreation building, South Second St., Bellwood.
There will be 25 vendors. There will be an admission charge. All proceeds will benefit Relay for Life. For more information, contact Pam Ayers at 684-2869.
To place advanced orders for Dingeldein sponge cakes, call Nancy at 742-8471.

The Women’s Club of Tyrone will once again hold their dinner-dance and silent auction to benefit the Tyrone Hospital. The third annual event will be held Saturday, March 24 at the U.S. Hotel in Hollidaysburg. It will begin at 6 p.m. with appetizers, a cash bar, and live music. Dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m.
Auction items include: a four-day-three night trip to Mexico, a two-day Memorial Day weekend bus trip to Atlantic City; two framed prints by local artist/illustrator George LaVanish; a one-day guided fly-fishing trip on Spruce Creek for two, courtesy of Spring Ridge Club; footballs autographed by Penn State coach Joe Paterno and former Notre Dame coach Ara Parseghian and women’s jewelry.
Anyone who wishes to purchase tickets for this event can contact co-chairpersons, Judy Norris at 684-3050, Suzanne Bigelow-Cherry at 942-4389, or the Tyrone Area Chamber of Commerce at 684-0736.
The proceeds from this year’s dinner-dance and auction have been pledged to benefit the Tyrone Hospital’s orthopedic department. The community is encouraged to come and support this cause.
Olde fashioned hymn sing
First Assembly of God, Tyrone, will be presenting another “Olde Fashioned Hymn Sing” on Sunday, March 25 at 6:30 p.m.
As always, some of the best in local gospel music talent will be featured.

Plant sale
Bellwood-Antis Farm Show annual plant sale will be held May 12 through May 26 at the Bellwood Fire Hall, including hanging baskets, planters, flats and vegetables.

Class of 1950
The Tyrone High School class of 1950 meets the third Thursday of every month at noon at Joe’s Place.

2007-08 registration now open
The Warriors Mark United Methodist Church announced 2007-08 registration is now open. The church offers a program for three, four and five-year-olds to attend class three days a week. Classes are held from 9 a.m. until 11:30 a.m.
Call 632-6906 for more information or to obtain a registration packet.

Public walking
Public walking at the Tyrone High School has once again started for the winter season. Walkers are invited to walk Monday through Thursday from 7 to 9 p.m.
There will be no walking when school is not in session. Running is not permitted. Children must be supervised. Rubber-tired strollers only.

Master Beekeeper
Master Beekeeper will make educational and informative presentations to a class or group on honeybees and beekeeping. For more information, call 684-1783.

Singles 45 Plus
Singles 45 Plus meets every third Tuesday of the month. Interested individuals are invited to come for a meal and to socialize. Those attending would be responsible for their dinner, drinks or desserts.
Meetings are held at King’s Restaurant, 6th Avenue and 31st Street.

By Rick