It was a night of fond memories at the Sinking Valley Farm Show last Wednesday night as folks gathered to eulogize the life of the late Frank Long.
Frank, who died April 15, 2007, served as Fair President for some 22 years.
“It was Frank’s dream to build a permanent site for the Sinking Valley Fair and similar activities after it outgrew the area around the Grange a number of years ago,” Sam Hayes Jr., said.
Hayes, former Leader of the PA House of Representatives and later Secretary of Agriculture, served as master of ceremonies, introducing Frank’s wife, Sarah, and family members who continue to carry on the farm show tradition.
Mrs. Long accepted a bronze plaque honoring her husband from Mike Pechart, representing Pennsylvania Secretary of Agriculture Dennis Wolff.
Other persons participating in the program included: Senator John Eichelberger; Rep. Mike Fleck of Huntingdon; Larry Krome, President of State Association of County Fairs; William Harshman, former TAHS Vocational teacher and PSU Farm Safety Director; Donna Fisher, Manager of Blair County Conservation District and Jim Edwards, former member of the Fair Board.
Jim Edwards recalled how years ago the ground was broken in October for the main Farm Show Exhibit building with Frank, Jim Davis, Jack DeMuth, Howard Ellis, himself and Frank’s sons working non-stop to have it up in time for the September Fair.
“It was quite an accomplishment, but we got it done,” Edwards added.
The program opened and closed with a short devotional by the Rev. Susan Yatta, pastor of the First English Lutheran Church.
Another highlight of the evening was the crowning of Frank and Sarah’s granddaughter, Jessica Long, as the Fair Queen.