Tyrone Prayer Shawl Ministry
Join in making prayer shawls for those in need. The meeting will be Saturday, October 14 at 10:30 a.m. at the Tyrone Church of the Brethren, located at the corner of Adams Avenue and 18th Street. Call Ellie with questions at 684-1771.
Long’s Haunted House
Long’s Haunted House returns this year October 14 and 15, 19-22 and 26-31 at the Sinking Valley Fairgrounds, located off the Bellwood Exit (I99), bottom of Skelp. All proceeds benefit the Sinking Valley Farm Show.
Speakers at Community Worship Center
Dan and Pearlyn Stultz of Time Ministries from Bedford, PA, will be ministering at the Community Worship Center located at 1300 Bald Eagle Ave., Tyrone on Sunday, October 15 at the 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. services. Nursery will be available for both services.
From 1994 to 2003, they both served at the Spring Meadow Family Worship Center in Fishertown, Pennsylvania, on the worship team as worship leader and pianist/keyboard player. They also served in the Christian Education and Youth Ministry Departments. In the summer of 2001, God called them to this ministry. They waited two years, during which time, God confirmed the call over and over. Finally, in December 2003, they stepped down from ministries at Spring Meadow to fulfill God\’s call on their lives.
The couple travels in the US and in the Philippines to minister through music and the Word of God. For more information, call 684-3547 or visit their website at www.timeministries.net.
TACO Halloween parade
TACO Halloween parade will be held Tuesday, October 17 at 6 p.m. Registration for the costume judging will start at 4:30 p.m. at the Tyrone highway Dept. Parade line up will begin at 5 p.m. in front of the Highway Dept.
If interested in taking part in the parade, call Tim Kirkpatrick at 684-0704. The rain date will be October 24.
Turkey and ham dinner
Lower Spruce Creek Presbyterian Church will hold its annual turkey and ham fall dinner on Tuesday, October 17 beginning at 5 p.m. The menu includes turkey with stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy and ham along with a delicious assortment of side dishes, vegetables and fruit. There will also be homemade pies for dessert. Donations benefit local missions.
AWANA begins at Grace Baptist
Grace Baptist Church is excited to announce and begin the AWANA clubs on Wednesday nights from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. The official start of the club will be Wednesday, October 18. The AWANA clubs on Wednesday night consist of Cubbies (ages three and four), Sparks (K-second grade), and Truth and Training (third-fifth grade).
AWANA is a terrific time tested program that teaches children to memorize God’s Word and shows them how they can let it shape their life by loving God and others more. Along with learning the Bible the kids will have a blast playing great games like favorites dodge ball and jump the river as well as the unique and fun AWANA games. There will also be great events like the Grand Prix where the kids build unique wooden race cars and race against others. There will also be exciting theme nights and weekly awards as well as the opportunity to win bigger awards and trophies. A 50 cent donation each week is encouraged by not required. This goes to help cut down the cost of awards and weekly prizes. Organizers strongly encourage everyone to bring their children 10 to 15 minutes early to register and get acquainted with their leaders.
Jr. High (sixth through eighth grade) and Sr. High (ninth through 12th) meet on Sunday nights from 6:30 to 8 p.m. They will be starting the Awana “Trek 24/7. Currently the Sr. High participants are taking part in a video series call “Life on the Edge”, which deals with issues that are very relevant to them today. Participants also have music, food and a great time together.
All Jr. and Sr. High age kids are invited to come check things out.
Anyone with questions can call Nathan at the church at 684-5016.
Class of 1955
The Tyrone Area High School class of 1955 will hold its monthly get together on Wednesday, October 18 at Joe’s Place in Vail at 12:30 p.m. Classmates, spouses and freinds are invited.
Spaghetti dinner
Christ United Methodist Church will feature its popular Spaghetti Supper fund raiser in the Fellowship Hall on Oct. 19 from 5 to 7 p.m. Take out suppers will also be available.
Blair Co. Genealogical Society
The Blair County Genealogical Society will meet at 7 p.m. October 19 at the Roller Hojeth Memorial Library, 431 Scotch Valley Road, Hollidaysburg. The evening’s speaker will be Joe Conlon, a member of the Society. His topic will be on 10th Street, Altoona. Joe has numerous old pictures and post cards of that area. The program is free and open to the public.
Tyrone Business and Career Expo
The Tyrone Business and Career Expo, BAH and New Middle School tour, sponsored by the Tyrone Area Chamber of Commerce and the Tyrone Area High School will be held Thursday, October 19 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Tyrone Area High School cafeteria. Lunch will be available. Any student and/or the public may attend.
To participate, call Laurie Cowfer at 684-6025 or the Chamber office at 684-0736.
Holiday bazaar
A holiday bazaar will be held at the American Legion Post on Saturday, October 21 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Crafters and vendors are wanted to sell their crafts, handiwork and products.
Reservations for tables are being taken at the present time. For more information, call Jean Nein at 684-3844 or Denise Sellers at 632-5982.
The Warriors Mark United Methodist Church will hold an Octoberfest on Saturday, October 21 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. A number of vendors will be selling an assortment of items including: crafts, stain glass, jewelry, quilts, sweatshirts, lighted glass gift boxes, hand-painted canvas tote bags, garden bricks, Avon products and various other items.
A variety of homemade baked goods will also be available for purchase, along with homemade soup (vegetable, ham and bean, chicken corn and chicken noodle). There will be a lot of other food including hotdogs, sauerkraut, macaroni salad, toss salad/chef salad, chili, crackers, chicken salad sandwiches, fried ice cream, donuts and beverages.
Entertainment will include music from “Chosen” (Worship and Praise – Christian rock) from 9:30 to 11 a.m. and “Key of C” (Contemporary Christian Worship) from noon to 1 p.m. A love offering will be received for the music groups.
Everyone is invited to come enjoy the fun. The Warriors Mark UM Church is handicapped accessible. Anyone with questions may contact the church office at 632-6906.
Spaghetti dinner
A spaghetti dinner will be held At Joshua House, 123 W. 10th St., on October 21 from 4 to 7:30 p.m. Children three-years-old and under eat for free.
Take-out and delivery will be available. To make arrangements in advance, call 686-9340 or 684-3521. On the day of the dinner, call 684-2032 to place an order.
There will be a gift basket raffle. Also, if the Penn State game is on TV, visitors will be able to watch on an 85 inch screen while they eat.
All proceeds benefit Joshua House.
Aleutian Island Military Veterans
The Aleutian Island Military Veterans will reunite October 25-27 at 2 p.m. in Williamsport. All service branches veterans, guests and spouses are welcome. For more information and/or registration blank, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to Al King, POB 130327, Sunrise, Florida 33313 or email request to williwawal@aol.com.
Light the Night
Light the Night at Lynn and Shelby Shaffer’s residence located at 2114 Columbia Ave. will be held October 26. Bring the whole family out for a safe night of fun with games, music, food and door prizes during the trick or treat times of 6 to 8 p.m. Beginning at 8 p.m. a youth rally will be held with speaker Mark VanOuse of WTLR Radio. The evening is free and made possible by donations from the community. For more information, call 684-3547.
United Way of Blair County helps community
members find low cost prescription coverage
Need prescription assistance but not sure how you can find help?
Once a month beginning Thursday, October 26, the United Way of Blair County will be taking appointments for community members who lack prescription coverage to help get the medicines they need through a public or private program that\’s right for them. With the help of The Partnership for Prescription Assistance clients can bring a list of medications they have and work with a United Way VISTA member to find programs that help them pay for their prescriptions. More than 2,500 brand-name and generic medicines are covered. Appointments will be every 15 minutes between 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Call Sarah Ergler at (814)944-0884 to set up your appointment. This service is completely free and confidential.
The United Way of Blair County is a volunteer-driven organization that unites people to care for one another.
THS Class of 1952
The Tyrone High School Class of 1952 will meet at noon for lunch at Joe’s Place in Bald Eagle on Thursday, October 26.
Classmates, friends and spouses are welcome.
New York City bus trip
A bus trip to New York City is scheduled for Saturday, November 4, sponsored by Mountain Laurel Daycare and Preschool. Call 742-0858 for details.
AARP class
Reduce your auto insurance by five percent the next three years by attending two, four hour classroom sessions. Learn how to avoid driving hazards and learn about updates to the latest traffic laws. There is not test. To qualify for the insurance discount, participants must be 55-years-old and both husband and wife need to attend if they are on the same policy. Classes will be held at Epworth Manor on November 7 and 8 from 6 to 10 p.m. Contact Melissa Harpster at 686-2650 for enrollment. Space is limited.
Chicago Rivet retirees
The Chicago Rivet retirees will hold their monthly breakfast at Joe’s Place at 8:30 a.m. Meetings are scheduled for the rest of the year, including November 9 and December 14.
High Tea at Trinity Episcopal Church
Purple Iris, one of the last of artist Andy Moore’s water colors, will be featured at the third annual High Tea at the Trinity Episcopal Church. The gorgeous painting, which is 15 inches by 25 inches, will be offered in a raffle. The painting was previously on display at the Tyrone Hospital and was left to the church by Andy to use as a fundraiser. Andy, who died in late May, was a well-known artist previously living in Birmingham. This is the last of Andy’s works to be offered to the public.
The popular high tea will take place on December 2 at 4 p.m. at Trinity Episcopal Church on Washington Avenue. Tickets for the tea or chances for the painting may be obtained from any church member or by calling Honey Wilson at 684-2055.