Sun. Jan 12th, 2025

Chicken barbecue
A chicken barbecue dinner will be held at the Tyrone Masonic Lodge on Saturday, September 23 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Dinner will be served with applesauce, baked beans, a roll and butter.
There will be a limited number of walk-ins. Eat in or take out. Benefits the Tyrone Masonic Hall Association.

Car wash
A car wash will be held Saturday, September 23 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Burger King. All proceeds benefit Eagle Scout project for Johnny Barlett.

Sporting Clays Fun Shoot
Sporting Clays Fun Shoot to benefit Future Farmers of America will be held Sunday, September 24 beginning at noon. Fifty targets Lewis Class. Celebrating 78 years of FFA, proceeds will be used for FFA projects and scholarships. There is a fee to enter. Options, shooting games and lunch will be available. Trophies will be awarded by Lewis Class. For more information about shoot or station sponsorship, call the Ag Class at 684-4240 or Warriors Mark Wingshooting Lodge and Kennels at 814-378-8380. Or, visit

Brungart Family Singers
The Brungart Family of singers from Howard will present a Gospel music concert at the Spring Mount Church of the Brethren on Sunday evening, September 24 at 7 p.m. The family has been touring for many years.
There is no admission charge but an appreciation offering will be taken. The church is located one mile north of Warriors Mark on Ridge Road. Come and enjoy the evening.

For Railroad fans!
A special, private-car train will pass through Tyrone by way of the Nittany Bald Eagle Branch on Sunday, September 24 and is expected to arrive near the Tyrone Station around 3:30 p.m. A short time later, the passenger railcars will be split into two sections — westbound and eastbound — to travel on the main line.

B-A Historical Society
A meeting and picnic for the Bellwood-Antis Historical Society will be held Monday, September 25 at 6 p.m. at the home of Joann Patterson, 411 N. First Street, Bellwood.
Call 742-8312 for more information. Bring an item of historical interest.
Guest speaker
There will be a guest speaker on Tuesday, September 26 at 7 p.m. in the Wesley Long Community Room of the Tyrone-Snyder Public Library. The speaker is Bob Broadwater who will discuss one of his recent books, “4 From Pennsylvania”.

The September meeting of the Descendants of Civil War Veterans will take place on Wednesday, September 27 at 7 p.m. at the Bellwood-Antis Public Library. The presenter will be Mr. Bob Broadwater who will speak on the history of the 62nd Regiment, Company M of the Pennsylvania Volunteers and what has become of their flag. The public is invited to attend.

Bellwood Eagles Auxiliary
Bellwood Eagles Auxiliary will hold their birthday dinner on September 27 at 6 p.m. Bring a covered dish, table service and one guest.

Class of 1944
The Tyrone High School class of 1944 will hold a luncheon at Joe’s Place, Vail, on Wednesday, September 27 at noon. All classmates and guests are welcome.

Class of 1952
The Tyrone High School class of 1952 will hold a luncheon at Joe’s Place, Vail, on Thursday, September 28 at noon. All classmates and guests are welcome.

Sprouting Readers program
The Sprouting Readers program will start Thursday, September 28 at 6:30 p.m. This will continue each Thursday evening through November 2. This program is a non-traditional story time for children of working caregivers unable to attend regularly scheduled storytimes at the library. There is no registration, just bring your children.

Farm/City Day
Rotary Club of Tyrone’s 23rd annual Farm/City Day will be held Saturday, September 30 at Reservoir Park from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Reservations for booths are now being accepted, including food, crafts, display or promotional. Call Bud Boom at 931-9152 for more information. There will be a live petting zoo, entertainment, food, hay wagon rides and fun. Tickets for the chicken barbecue can be purchased in advance from any Rotarian, Kelly Wike’s State Farm office or the Tyrone Area Chamber of Commerce office.

TACO youth football competition
TACO will be holding a youth football competition on Sunday, October 1 at Ferner Field. Sign up will be at 1 p.m. and the competition will start at 2 p.m. The age groups for boys and girls are five to six; seven to eight; nine to 10 and 11 to 12. Please wear sneakers only, no cleats. Rain date will be October 8.

By Rick