Sun. Jan 12th, 2025

The Tyrone VFW Anderson-Denny Post No. 4559’s flagpole now stands in a new location closer to the organization’s building than its previous spot on the sidewalk running along side the building on East 10th Street.
The move came about as part of Streetscape work that was recently completed on East 10th Street. As part of the project, the flagpole, in its former location on the sidewalk, crossed into PennDOT’s right-of-way and had to be removed from that spot for the Streetscape work to be completed.
VFW officials became aware of the flagpole issue in June and there was concern over what would happen to the pole, which had been in place for at least 50 years.
The pole as it existed did not conform with PennDOT’s current standards but is was “grandfathered” since it was erected decades ago before the standards went into effect. Any replacement pole would need to conform with those standards including certain safety features. Borough officials also noted the pole had deteriorated.
The Streetscape design did not include plans to replace the pole at its former location. Ultimately, a decision was made to move the original pole away from its former location to the new location closer to the building and the organization’s parking lot.
The pole’s base is new, but the flagpole itself remains the one that had been used by the organization for decades.
Yesterday morning, ceremonies were held to raise the Flag on the pole as a way of bringing “closure” to the situation, according to Post Commander Rodger Couch. The pole is used by the VFW to fly both the American and POW flags.
Couch thanked Tyrone Borough, PennDOT and Streetscape personnel for assisting in helping with the pole’s new location.
“There had been a lot of controversy and some Veterans were upset that we weren’t going to have a pole,” said Couch. “We’re happy with the placement and we do have a pole.”
The flagpole is 40 feet in height and two spotlights have been attached to illuminate the pole at night.
Couch said Tyrone’s VFW has 151 life members and more than 400 members overall.

By Rick