Wed. Jan 15th, 2025

The Tyrone Area Community Labor Day Picnic, held at Reservoir Park earlier this week, was once again a huge success. One of the highlights of the day was the children’s land games, pool games and eating contests. Games were divided into several different age categories and first, second and third place prizes were awarded within each age group.
In the balloon stomp, age two to four category, Jacob Taylor took first place with Reagan Irons and Gracey Walk taking second and third. Ages five to seven was won by Lindsey Southworth with second and third going to Natasha Hoover and Bobbi Kasic. Ryan Fink came in first in the eight to 12 category with Kayla Johnson in second and Heather Whalen in third. In the 13 and up category, Casey Baird took first place, Olivia Stever took second and Milanka Tomasevic took third.
Isaac Parks won first place in the peanut scramble, two to four category. Oakley Weigand and Madelyn Diebold took second and third. Natasha Hoover won in the five to seven age group with Lauren Taylor and Bobbi Kasic placing second and third. In the ages eight to 12 group, Eric Hartsock took second and Jordan Klingeman took third. Casey Joniello, Travis Johnson and Casey Baird won in the 13 and over category.
The hula hoop contest was a lot of fun, with Jacob Taylor, Gracey Walk and Isaac Parks all placing in the two to four-year-old category. Ages five to seven winners included Taylor Pighetti taking home first place and Lindsey Southworth and Naomi Welch taking second and third. Shannon Gearhart took first for the eight to 12-year-olds and Victoria Hoover and Susan Welch also placed. Justine Savard out hula-hooped the competition in the 13 and over age group but Milanka Tomasevic and Travis Johnson were a close second and third.
In the duck race, Isaac Parks took home top honors in the ages two to four category. Jacob Taylor and Drue Christine were second and third. Lauren Taylor was the winner for the five to seven-year-olds with second and third going to Bobbi Kasic and Lindsey Southworth. Hayley Williams, Shayna Santiago and Caelan Klingeman were one, two and three in the eight to 12-year-old category and Milanka Tomasevic and Elizabeth Tepsic went one-two for the 13 and over group.
The water balloon toss saw Alexis Cannistraci taking first place for the five to seven-year-olds, followed by Logan Santiago and Lindsey Southworth. Brandon Gripp, Nicole Gripp and Ryan Fink took first second and third for the eight to 12 group and Olivia Stever, Robert Gherrity and Travis Johnson went one, two, three for the 13 and over group.
In the scavenger hunt, participants had to scour the park looking for several items listed including a feather, a popsicle stick and a penny, among other things. Gracey Walk was the first to collect all the items for the two to four-year-olds, followed by Matthew Clifton and Madelyn Diebold. Taylor Pighetti was first for the five to seven-year-olds with Bobbi Kasic and Asher Christine in second and third. Victoria Hoover was first back for the eight to 12-year-olds, followed by Simon Wilson and Sarah Wilson. Cassie Kasic, Casey Baird and Olivia Stever were the first three to complete the task for the 13 and over category.
All children who participated in the scavenger hunt were invited to enter their name into a drawing to win a new bike. Following the land games, a drawing was held and Finnley Christine was the winner of the bike.
In the afternoon, pool games were held at the outdoor swimming pool. In the swimming races, Levi Raling took first place for the four to seven-year olds with Madison Branstetter and Bobbi Kasic in second and third. For ages eight to 12, Libby Black took first with Heather Whalen and Macey Lucas second and third. Drew Miller took first in the 13 and up category with Leigha Stewart and Leisha Stewart taking second and third.
In the greased watermelon contest, participants had to get together in teams of two. Winners for the four to seven-year-olds included Levi Raling and Bobbi Kasic; Taylor Pighetti and Naomi Welch and Madison Branstetter and Ben Branstetter. For the eight to 12-year-olds it was Skylar Redasill and Stevie Lucas; Macey Lucas and Heather Whalen and Shannon Gearhart and Simon Wilson. The 13 and up category winners were Olivia Stever and Libby Black; Travis Johnson and Morgan Lucas and Cassie Kasic and Leisha Stewart.
The eating contests are always a big hit and this year’s watermelon and pie eating contests were no exception.
Watermelon eating contest winners were Bobbi Kasic, Patty Powell and Levi Raling for the four to seven-year-olds; Lee Robenolt, Shannon Gearhart and Taylor Wunder for the eight to 12-year-olds and Elizabeth Tepsic, Garret Cooper and Casey Baird for the 13 and over category.
In the pie eating contest Patty Powell, Natasha Hoover and Andrea Stevens took first, second and third for the two to four-year-olds. Olivia Stever, Victoria Hoover and Taylor Wunder won in the eight to 12-year-old category and Elizabeth Tepsic, Steve Barnhart and Casey Baird were one, two three for the 13 and over group.
The 50-50 raffle winners were also announced. First place went to Joyce Gilliland, second to Carolyn Haag and third to Karen Slemmer.

By Rick