Tyrone’s Summer Sunday Concert series continues on Sunday with classic country and rock performed by Broken Penny.
Specializing in traditional and classic country and country rock, Broken Penny is a regional ‘All Star” band. The band features Jason McInrye on acoustic guitar and lead vocals. Jason performs regularly with The Rustlanders which is based in State College.
The rest of the band is comprised of veteran players from Blair County: Randy Rutherford on lead guitar and vocals, Pat McGinnis on bass and vocals, Kim Metzger on pedal steel guitar, and Tim Yingling on drums. Yingling is a Tyrone native and has been actively performing in bands since high school.
Summer Sunday concerts are held at the Reservoir Park amphitheater beginning at 6 p.m. and are free of charge. In the event of rain the concert will be held in the Lutheran Church on Logan Avenue. This project is supported in part by the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, a state agency, the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency and Tyrone Borough.
For additional information on the summer concerts, call the ArtsLine office at 684-ART2.