Fri. Jan 17th, 2025

Basket bingo
The Tyrone-Snyder Public Library will hold a basket bingo fundraiser on Thursday, July 13 at 6:30 p.m. at St. Matthews Harkins Hall. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Come meet the celebrity caller. There will be Longaberger Baskets, pottery and home accessories.

Chicago Rivet retirees
The Chicago Rivet retirees will hold their monthly breakfast at Joe’s Place at 8:30 a.m. The next meeting will be held July 13.

Blood drive date at Tyrone Hospital changed
The American Red Cross blood drive scheduled for July 7 at Tyrone Hospital has been rescheduled for Friday, July 14 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the classroom at Tyrone Hospital. The classroom is located on the basement level. Donations of all blood types are needed.

Special guests at Bible Baptist
The Bible Baptist Church of Tyrone will host the Bauer Family, Missionaries to the Australian Aborigines, this Sunday, July 16.
They will be presenting their ministry during the Sunday school hour at 9:45 a.m. (coffee and doughnuts available), the morning worship hour at 10:30 a.m. and the evening service at 6 p.m.
All are invited to attend. For more information, contact Pastor Abraham at 684-1455.

NARFE meeting
Chapter 328 National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association (NARFE), met at noon on June 9 at King’s Restaurant, 3000 Sixth Avenue, for lunch and a business meeting.
It was agreed that the Chapter newsletter will be sent out July 17 to notify members of the picnic to be held at noon August 11 at American Legion Park, Hollidaysburg.
President Carol Hallberg reported on the disposition of resolutions presented at the State Convention held in Johnstown April 30 to May 3.
The next meeting will be at noon July 14 at King’s Restaurant. All active and retired Federal employees and spouses are welcome.

Step back in time…Jerusalem marketplace
Join in for five nights of fun as we step back in time. Visit with the Fishermen, the Carpenters, the Psalmists, Religious Leaders and other people of the Bible. Learn how people lived 2000 years ago. See how they dressed, what they ate, and many other exciting events.
The event will be through Friday, July 14 from 6:30 – 8:45 p.m. at the Community Worship Center, 1300 Bald Eagle Avenue, Tyrone. For More Info Call 684-2221.

Fall Tyrone soccer registration
Interested individuals can register for Tyrone soccer anytime, through July 15, at the Northern Blair County Recreation Center. Hours are Monday-Thursday from 5:30 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Friday from 5:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Participants must have been born between August 1, 1992 and January 31, 2002.
The season starts August 27. Anyone with questions can call Sharon Gripp at 632-5671.

Grazierville Club picnic
The Grazierville Club will hold its picnic Saturday, July 15 at noon at Spring Lake Park in Bellwood. Members and their guests are invited to attend.
It will be necessary to submit the number of persons expecting to attend this affair.
The picnic is free to members and their guests.
Regular picnic activities will be featured, including games, music, prizes, etc.
A barbecue chicken dinner will be served.

Trash and treasure sale
Tyrone VFW 4559, 125 East 10th St. will hold a trash and treasure sale on July 15 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. This event will be held by the Ladies Auxiliary. There will also be hotdogs and sauerkraut.

Barbershop Chorus at Wesley Church
During the morning service of worship at 9:30 a.m. at Wesley United Methodist Church, 1200 Logan Avenue, Tyrone, on Sunday, July 16, the service will feature the barbershop music of \”The Altoona Horseshoe Chorus,\” under the direction of Mr. Galen Claar. The chorus will be singing three selections and the service will conclude with them singing an \”Irish Blessing.\” Please come out to share in their wonderful music.

Vacation Bible School
The God’s Missionary Church of Route 22, Alexandria, takes on a new look for vacation Bible school.
Children ages four through 12-years-old are invited to join on Sunday morning from 10:30 to 11:50 a.m. for a fun time of construction as they build “character like Jesus”.
This VBS construction project will continue each Sunday through July 16.
A final program will be presented on July 16 at 6 p.m. followed by a time of ice cream and fellowship for all. The program is under the direction of Miss Kristen Anders. Youth and adults are invited to participate in the morning worship service at the church during VBS time.
Everyone is also welcome to attend Sunday school and Bible study at 9:30 a.m.
So, put on a hard hat, plug into God’s power, get a grip on life, meet the best friend you ever saw and join in for this exciting VBS construction.
Contact Pastor Shaffer at 669-9021 for any questions or transportation needs.
Softball clinics
The Tyrone Area High School softball program will hold clinics for all girls 16 and younger at the Tyrone softball fields. Clinics will begin on July 17 and continue through August 2.
All interested girls should meet on Mondays and Wednesdays from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Harry K. Sickler Athletic Complex.
This is for any girl in the area who is interested in improving her softball skills. The softball clinics are free of charge.

AARP Driver Safety Classes
Individuals can now reduce their auto insurance by 5 percent for the next three years, by attending two four-hour classroom sessions. Learn how to avoid driving hazards and learn about updates to the latest traffic laws. There is no test.
To qualify for the insurance discount, participants must be 55 and both husband and wife need to attend if they are on the same policy. Classes will be held on July 18 and 19 at Epworth Manor from 1 to 5 p.m.
Contact Melissa Harpster, at 686-2650 for Epworth Manor enrollment.
Call early to reserve a seat, as space is limited. The Instructor for the class is Don Kobak.

Class of 1955
The Tyrone Area High School class of 1955 will hold its monthly get-together at Joe’s Place in Vail on Wednesday, July 19 at 12:30 p.m. Classmates, spouses and friends are welcome.

Class of 1946
The class of 1946, Tyrone High School, will hold their monthly luncheon at the Ramada Inn, Altoona on Wednesday, July 19 at 1 p.m.

THS Class of 1952
The Tyrone High School class of 1952 will hold a luncheon at Joe’s Place, Vail, on Thursday, July 20 at noon. All classmates and guests are welcome.

Class of 1942
The class of 1942, Tyrone High School, will hold their monthly luncheon at Joe’s Place, Vail on Thursday, July 20 at 12:30 p.m. All classmates and their guests are invited.

Women of Faith conference
Fifteen women from the Warriors Mark United Methodist Church will be attending the women of Faith Conference in Washington DC on July 21-22. You, your mom, sister, friend, neighbor, co-worker, daughter, and grandma are invited to join in. A few tickets are still available. For additional information or to reserve a ticket, contact Michelle at 632-3001.
Women of Faith is an interdenominational women’s organization committed to helping women of all faiths, backgrounds, age groups and nationalities grow emotionally, spiritually and in relationships.
This year’s conference “Contagious Joy 2006” is sure to be a great time. You’ll feel it in the music, hear it in the words of special guests and Women of Faith speakers will explain how you can get it, keep it and spread it around. Its not about your circumstances, your past or your state of mind, it’s about God and His plan for you.

Movie night
Emmanuel Baptist Church of 9 West 10th Street, Tyrone will be holding its last Movie Night of the summer on Friday, July 21.
The movie is scheduled to start at dusk with snacks, drinks, and gifts on hand. Bring out a chair or blanket and join us in the M & T Bank Parking Lot for an evening of fun and friends.
This comedy is set in a world populated entirely by space-age era robots. The hero, a plucky young inventor, sets off to make his fortune with a dishwasher that looks like a coffee pot! Upon his arrival in the big city, he discovers that an evil robot is up to no good; phasing out the spare parts that the inhabitants need to function and replacing them with sleek and shiny \”upgrades\”. With the help of a group of new friends, our young dreamer puts aside his own dreams to save the city.
Joshua House Hoopsfest
The Joshua House Sixth Annual Hoopsfest is scheduled for July 22 on 10th Street in downtown Tyrone. Divisions will be: grades four and five mixed, grades six and seven mixed, grades eight and nine boys and girls and grades 10 through 12 boys and girls. Open divisions include recreational, competitive, all-star and 50 and over.
The hoopsfest will feature a three-on-three street basketball tournament, dunk contest and three-point contest. There will also be street vendors, family entertainment and a concert. The hoopsfest will have prizes for each division winner and give-aways all day long.
Interested teams can register online at For more information, call 684-3901.
Currently, Joshua House is in need of soda and Gatorade (players like Frost Gatorade) to be donated for the tournament. Those in the community who are able to donate one of these items can drop them off at Joshua House anytime.

Bible Baptist Church Vacation Bible School
You’ll go bananas for Son Treasure Island at the Bible Baptist Church of Warriors Mark. Area children ages three years to 7th grade are invited to the Vacation Bible School, where the week will be a treasure hunting adventure where kids will learn that God’s Love is Giving, God’s Love is Kind, God’s Love is Caring, God’s Love is Forgiving and God’s Love is Forever! Children will have a great time with lively songs, exciting games, creative theme center, Bible stories, missionary stories and tasty snacks – all of the things that make Vacation Bible School so much fun.
Son Treasure Island Vacation Bible School begins Monday, July 24 and continues through Friday, July 28 at the Bible Baptist Church, located on Route 550 just outside of Warriors Mark. The time is 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. For more information, call 632-8462.

Gospel Light’s Son Treasure Island
Sinking Valley and Lower Spruce Creek Presbyterian Churches will hold vacation Bible school will be held at Fort Roberdeau July 24-28 from 9 a.m. to noon. To register or for more information, call 684-7397.

Fiesta Bible school
Christ United Methodist, Wesley United Methodist and Church of the Brethren will jointly sponsor “Fiesta” Vacation Bible School from Monday, July 24 through Friday, July 28.
The Fiesta will be held from 6 to 8:30 p.m. each evening at Christ United Methodist, 1359 Pennsylvania Avenue, Tyrone.
Elementary children (through 6th grade) will take part in Sing and Play Ole, Desert Bible lessons, hot Bible adventures, cactus crafts, Maraca munchies, grande games and Fiesta finale.
Children ages three through five will participate in the Fiesta Silly Chillies preschool program.
Please join in for a week of fun, memorable Bible learning activities. No pre-registration is required.
For more information, call 684-3561.

By Rick