Several residents attended last night’s Antis Township meeting to address the supervisors regarding speeding on area roads.
The first area mentioned was along N. 2nd Street, which runs past the Antis Township Municipal Building.
Residents said there are a high number of cars traveling that road using excessive speed, specifically between the Antis Township building and Fostoria crossing.
Some neighbors got together to sign a petition, which was presented to the board last night.
The concerns were raised because there are a lot of children in the area.
Currently the posted speed limit is 25 mph. Supervisors agreed to look into that speed limit to see if it is adequate for that area or if it should be changed, possibly to 35 mph. They also agreed to consider posting “Children at Play” signs, however, there are currently signs posted, indicating “deaf child area”.
The board agreed this is a problem and planned to call the state police this morning with the information provided at the meeting, requesting additional coverage in the area.
Concerns were also raised about speeding in Pinecroft, through Pine Ridge Estates. The complaints were similar, with speeding prevalent between the hours of 3 and 6 p.m. and 8 and 10 p.m.
Sarah Miller was also in attendance, sharing her concerns over increased police protection with the predicted growth within the township.
Miller presented the idea of creating some type of tax for businesses new to the area. The tax money would then go toward increasing the police force throughout the township.
The board questioned whether or not they had the ability to tax only new businesses. Any tax created would need to apply to both old and new businesses within the township.
Township solicitor, Patrick Fanelli, shared information on the Developer’s Agreement with Wal-Mart. Previously, the board had provided several comments, which Wal-Mart needed to address.
Fanelli said the agreement is satisfactory and meets every single one of the comments that were made.
One question did remain regarding the stormwater management facility’s maintenance agreement.
The board agreed to consider the Developer’s Agreement complete and negotiate the stormwater management issue separately.
Bellwood Plaza Land Development also presented a Developer’s Agreement to the board. Previously, supervisors looked at the agreement and provided 11 comments that needed attention before it could be accepted.
Township Engineer, Chris Dutrow, said some of the concerns were addressed and representatives stated the rest are agreeable and they will comply.
Supervisors accepted the agreement pending the remaining comments are addressed.
Supervisors also agreed to amend the township’s stormwater policy, which will include changes to inspections and a change in the fee schedule.
Previously, homeowners paid for the pipe and the township installed it at no cost. According to Township Manager, Jeffrey Ziegler, the new fee schedule includes a more break-even situation.
“I think this has been a long time coming,” said Board President, Raymond Amato, “The township is losing a lot of money.”
In other business, supervisors discussed options regarding the Lower Johnson stormwater grant. They also agreed to a Non-Federal Aid Bridge Project Reimbursement Agreement for the Riggles Gap bridge replacement. Currently in the preliminary phase, the township will be responsible for 20 percent of the cost.