Sixteen-year-old Angela Finelli, daughter of Guy and Pam Finelli, along with 13-year-old Dylan Bosserman from Virginia will leave for the island of Anguilla in the British West Indies the last week in July to represent the Creative Youth Theater Foundation.
They will assist artistic directors Tom Sweitzer and Kim Tapper in forming the Creative Kids Experience on this Caribbean Island. Finelli and Bosserman will work with children ages eight to 12 in song and dance. An older group of children will be instructed by Sweitzer and Tapper in developing voice, confidence and culture into their performance skills.
The week-long teach and create experience will consist of a daily schedule of 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. workshops with the goal of promoting an on-going arts experience and an exchange of cross cultural expertise. The initiative will culminate in a performance highlighting the accomplishments of both groups. The Creative Youth Theater Foundation consists of The Tom Riley Musical Theater Company and a drama-centered teen company in Middleburg, Virginia.
For more information about the Creative Youth Theater Foundation, call 540-687-5897.