Tue. Feb 18th, 2025

Thousands of volunteers in Blair County will stay up all night, walk in circles around a track, laugh, cry and have a great time.
The American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life, a 24-hour event to celebrate survivorship and raise funds for cancer research, education, advocacy and service programs, will take place next month.
The Relay for Life of Northern Blair County will be held July 14 and 15 at the Bellwood High School athletic field.
To participate by forming a team, or for those who are cancer survivors, call the American Cancer Society at 1-888-227-5445 or visit the website at www.cancer.org.
Relay for Life is a 24-hour celebration of life. It joins people from every background in a community effort to recognize cancer survivors and their caregivers, drawing inspiration from their courage and determination, while raising funds to fight cancer through research, education, advocacy and service programs.
There are also several fundraising events planned for upcoming weeks to benefit Relay for Life.
A Relay for Life auction will be held at the Excelsior Fire Hall Field on June 24. Ten percent will go to teams for any items auctioned, whether personal sale or team items. Outside dealers will be included to help the sale.
On July 4 DelGrosso’s Amusement Park will hold a glow necklace sale. All proceeds from the sale of necklaces in and around the park will go to participating teams.
Bellwood Hometown Market is holding Relay for Life day on July 8. Five percent of store proceeds will be divided to relay teams who participate. Teams are also permitted to set up tables outside of the store to sell team items.
Also, everyone is invited to place an ad in the Relay for Life program book. For as little as $5, individuals can place their name as a friend of the relay, to show their support. Other ads, ranging in size from an eighth page to full page, run from anywhere from $35 to $150.
Contact Christine Claar at 686-0323 or Sandi Allen at 742-7426 for more information. All ad forms and payments must be received by June 25.
This year marks the 21st anniversary of Relay for Life.
The event has a festive atmosphere, as teams camp out overnight. Entertainment keeps children and team members amused while not walking on the track.
Teams are made up of eight to 15 people from local businesses, schools, churches and families. Each team is represented on the track throughout the entire 24 hours. While walking or resting, teams enjoy camaraderie, food, fun, music, entertainment and a night under the stars.
Relay for Life also features a victory lap for survivors. All cancer survivors are encouraged to join in this celebration of life.
Last year, Relay for Life raised more than $351.5 million at nearly 200 sites in Pennsylvania for cancer research, education and patient services.
For more information, call the American Cancer Society at 1-800-ACS-5445.
The American Cancer Society is the nationwide, community-based, voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives and diminishing suffering from cancer through research, education, advocacy and service.

By Rick