With the holiday season fast approaching, the Tyrone Area Chamber of Commerce is gearing up for its annual “Christmas Lighting Fund Appeal” to bring the community another year of decorations, lights and festivities.
In the past years, with the help of generous donations from area residents, the Chamber was able to light the streets of Tyrone. The past support has made possible 64 stars, 128 red bows and two new sky liners.
It is the hope of the Chamber to continue with the tradition of making the Tyrone community a centerpiece of northern Blair County by again decorating the community for the holiday season.
This year, the Chamber has purchased 19 holiday banners to add to the decorations. These banners will be located at the intersections of Logan Avenue and 10th Street, Logan Avenue and 14th Street, as well as Pennsylvania Avenue and 12th Street. The banners will continue up Pennsylvania Avenue to the American Eagle Paper Mill.
The “Christmas Lighting Fund” is only one of many ways that the Tyrone Area Chamber of Commerce shows its commitment to the enhancement of the community.
At this time, the Chamber is asking that area residents be part of the efforts to provide support for the project by making a monetary donation to the “Christmas Lighting Fund”.
Make checks payable to “Tyrone Christmas Lighting” and mail to Tyrone Area Chamber of Commerce, 1004 Logan Avenue, Tyrone, PA 16686.
A coupon will appear in The Daily Herald starting in the middle of November and will run until Christmas. Feel free to clip out the coupon and send it in with a donation to the “Christmas Lighting Fund”.