Earlier this month, Tyrone Borough Council was updated on plans to make renovations at Reservoir Park.
Now, the borough is seeking grant money to move forward on the plans.
Borough Manager, Sharon Dannaway, told The Daily Herald yesterday that a grant is being written and will go to the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources to apply for funding to help complete the project. She said the application for the development grant has to be submitted by Sept. 30.
Bob Stanley of the CET Engineering generated an evaluation report on the project that council received in August. CET acts as the consulting engineer firm for the borough. Stanley’s report focused on Americans with Disabilities Act issues and the condition of the picnic pavilions.
A meeting was held in late August to discuss Stanley’s report. Council members Jennifer Bryan, Jim Grazier and Bill Fink attended the meeting along with code enforcement officer Tom Lang, the Highway Department’s Verden Latchford, finance director Phyllis Garhart and Dannaway.
The purpose of the meeting was to break the evaluation report into phases and prioritize a schedule based on Stanley’s recommendations. The borough plans to do the work in phases over the next few years.
The meeting generated a number of conclusions:
• the lower restrooms are a top priority for ADA compliance and outside repair work;
• pathways to the lower restroom need to be brought into ADA compliance for easier accessibility;
• handicap parking is needed for the table 1 area and
• tables 1 through 3 need to be demolished and replaced.
Council took no action on the issue at its Sept. 6 meeting after being advised of the priorities through a memo from Dannaway. She said there would be no further action from council on the project until the borough receives word on the funding.
The borough has already moved forward with a major renovation project for the community pool at the park. Bids for that project were approved earlier this month. Maines Engineering and Construction’s base bid and bids for certain alternates related to the renovations totaled $473,100.
Initial work is slated to be done this fall with more work on the pool scheduled for next spring.