Fri. Jan 17th, 2025

Members and friends of the Birmingham Presbyterian Church started preparations for the annual bazaar, which will be held on Saturday, November 5, beginning at 9 a.m.
Beginning last Tuesday evening, church members and guests began meeting to work together on crafts. The crafts they prepare will then be sold at the bazaar.
Every week, church members will gather up their crafting supplies and meet at the church to share their craft ideas.
Denise Nowlin said she gets a lot of her ideas from magazines and friends. Some of the women bring crafts they purchased from other events they attended.
One item the women always look forward to working on are what they call silly joke crafts. Last year they made belly button cleaners and exercise beans. According to the ladies, the joke crafts are always a big hit and are sure to make people laugh.
Other items that will be sold this year include: Christmas and holiday decorations, homemade crafts, baked goods and the always popular bean soup. The women said the soup goes fast, so individuals need to get there early to enjoy the meal.
There will also be a raffle drawing for several different door prizes for $1 a chance.
“The greatest gift of having and preparing for this bazaar is the fellowship,” said Susy Winters.
“We’re our own biggest customers anyway,” said Linda Harris.
Although the ladies enjoy their time together preparing for the bazaar, there is a lot of hard work and many hours put into making it all happen.
Church members invite everyone to come out and join them at the annual bazaar on Saturday, November 5, beginning at 9 a.m.
The church is located in Birmingham, just off of Route 453.

By Rick