Thu. Mar 6th, 2025

Area residents are invited to share in the fun and fellowship of the annual Tyrone Community Labor Day picnic scheduled for Monday at Reservoir Park.
The picnic offers a great opportunity for family and friends to gather together at a location close to home.
Labor Day committee members have been working hard to make this year’s picnic a success. Several activities have been planned for an eventful day.
At 10 a.m. the children’s games will begin at the amphitheater area of the park. Land games include a balloon stomp, peanut scramble, hula hoop contest, sponge game and water balloon toss.
At 10 a.m., individuals will be able to register for attendance drawings and sign-up contests. Prizes will be given in the following categories: “Individual to Travel the Furthest”, “Youngest Male/Female”, “Oldest Male/Female”, “Family with the Most Children”, “Couple Married the Longest” and “Most Recently Married Couple”.
The Schoch Hollow Band will provide entertainment at table No. 1 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Individuals will be able to pick up their Rotary chicken barbecue dinners at the concession stand between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Soda and water will also be sold.
Food booths open at 11 a.m. At kitchen table No. 1 several area organizations will sell a variety of foods.
Boy Scout Troop 103 will sell ham barbecue, sloppy joes, hot dogs, funnel cakes, chips and soda. Boy Scout Troop 20 will have coffee and apple dumplings. Hot and mild sausage sandwiches, nachos and cheese, lemonade and ice tea will be available from the Shriners Club.
The Women’s Club will have half a rack rib dinners for sale including coleslaw, backed beans and a roll. Pies and quilt raffle chances will also be available.
The picnic committee will sell 50/50 tickets at the concession stand. A drawing will be held at 4 p.m. where two winners will be selected. Also, the Borough of Tyrone will have chances and giveaways and the Tyrone Fire Police will have a raffle and drawing. Mayor Patricia Stoner will be giving free balloons to children.
Children’s games will move to the outdoor pool at 1 p.m. and prize bingo will begin at table No. 1.
Pool games include swimming races, relay races, cannonball contest and the money dive.
Bingo will be broadcast by WTRN and manned by the Tyrone Elks. Prizes were donated by area businesses, organizations and individuals.
The second annual Star Search competition sponsored by the Tyrone Community Players will be returning for this year’s picnic as well. The competition is scheduled to be held at 2 p.m. under the park amphitheater.
There will also be watermelon and pie eating contests starting at 3 p.m.

By Rick