Thu. Jan 16th, 2025

Many local residents may be watching and reading the media coverage on the devastation of Hurricane Katrina and wondering what they can do to help.
Local churches and service organizations are developing relief efforts so that everyone in the area who wishes to help will be able to do so.
First, the Tyrone Church of the Brethren will be putting together “health care kits” for national disasters such as Hurricane Katrina.
Organizers are currently asking for donations from the public, local businesses and organizations. Items needed include: bathroom hand towels, wash cloths, soap, tooth past (six oz. or larger), toothbrushes, combs, bandaids and nail clippers.
For individuals wishing to make a monetary contribution, make checks payable to the Tyrone Church of the Brethren.
All items can be dropped off at The Daily Herald office or sent to the church at 500 W. 18th St., Tyrone.
Organizers are also looking for volunteers to help assemble the kits. Individuals will be meeting at the church today from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. to assemble kits and in the future as needed.
Anyone with questions, or who would like to volunteer may contact Jody Aungst, project coordinator, at 684-5090 or Pastor Jeff Miley at 684-4940.
Also, volunteers from the Tyrone Kiwanis Club and the Tyrone Salvation Army will be on hand at the Kopp Drug parking lot on Wednesday, September 7 from 9 a.m. to noon to collect needed items for the victims of Hurricane Katrina.
Kiwanis member Reverend Norman Huff told The Daily Herald that volunteers will collect cases of water and cleaning items such as Clorox and other disinfectants to ship to those in need.
Also, monetary donations will be collected and processed through the Salvation Army to the hurricane victims. No money will be taken out for administrative purposes.
The truck to collect the supplies will be donated by Healthy Alternatives.
Also, Tyrone council member Bill Fink received an update yesterday on the situation in Mississippi and surrounding states from Charlie Grayburn, a special agent with the Department of Homeland Security in Washington, DC.
According to Fink, Grayburn was deployed several days ago as part of the federal government\’s response to the hurricane.
He told Fink the situation there is “bad”. He said the entire area resembles conditions found in third world countries. The survivors are in desperate need of the “basics”. Anything anyone can do in support of this effort is needed, he added.
He asked Fink to spread the word in the community about the desperate need for people to volunteer and support the Red Cross and Salvation Army in their efforts to provide for the basic needs of the people who have had their lives destroyed by this catastrophe.

By Rick