The Tyrone Area Schools will be the scene of two separate meet the teacher nights in the coming weeks.
First, The Tyrone Area School District has announced that Thursday, Sept. 1, 2005 has been designated as “Meet the Teacher Night” in the Tyrone Area Middle and High School.
In a release from the district, officials said the purpose of the “Meet the Teacher Night” program is to give parents the opportunity to meet teachers and receive information about the classes a child is taking, including criteria for grading and homework expectations.
Two sessions for parents to meet with teachers have been scheduled for Sept. 1. Parents of middle school students, grades six, seven and eight, will meet with teachers between 5 and 6:30. The second session from 6:30 to 8 p.m., will be for parents of high school students, grades nine through 12.
The classes for each session will last six minutes. The district said, “teachers and students will help you find ‘your’ classes.”
The district has invited parents to come to the “Meet the Teachers Night” to be a part of “an informative and enjoyable experience.”
Other than invited students who will participate in assisting parents, the district is asking students not to attend the sessions since they have already received the information. Officials termed the event as “a time for parents to get to know their child’s teachers.
At the elementary school level, the Tyrone Area Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization has scheduled a “meet the teacher night” for Tuesday, Sept. 6.
For more information on the “Meet the Teacher Night” or other details, the PTO can be contacted through the Tyrone Area Elementary School at 801 Clay Avenue. The phone number at the elementary school is 684-1342.
The middle school/high school can be reached at 684-4240 regarding the Sept. 1 event.