Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

Tyrone Area Middle and High School students will have an opportunity to ‘grab’ a breakfast and ‘go’ to homeroom to eat it, beginning today.
According to Julie Patton, TAHS nurse, studies show that students are more attentive and learn better when they eat breakfast.
The school district’s food service program, working with the district’s Community School Health Council and Student Activities Program, is trying a new way to deliver breakfast to adolescent students who often do not make the time for this important meal.
Patton told The Daily Herald that in addition to the usual breakfast line in the cafeteria, a special cart will be set up in the auditorium lobby so that students can grab breakfast as soon as they enter the building from buses and the parking lot.
Today and tomorrow, free “Grab and Go” breakfasts will be offered to all middle and high school students as well as staff members.
The process is simple, and all students have to do is grab a bag at one of the breakfast areas and fill it with their choice of breakfast pastry, fruit or juice and milk.
Patton said that if students have time to eat in the cafeteria, that is one option. If it is more convenient, students may bring the bag with them to homeroom and eat it there as another option.
The “Grab and Go” trial will continue next week, but at the regular breakfast price of $.65. Students eligible for reduced breakfast will be charged $.30 and the meal will be provided at no cost to those who qualify for free school meals.
Patton added that the staff and administration at the school district hopes that all students take advantage of this opportunity and that the “Grab and Go” program is a great success. If it works well, “Grab and Go” breakfast could return during the 2005-06 school year.

By Rick