Thu. Jan 16th, 2025

Earlier this week, Tyrone Mayor Patricia Stoner announced she will not seek re-election in the 2005 primary election and borough employees and council members are reacting to the news.
In a press release dated Feb. 3, Stoner said, “I will always remember gratefully, the support and encouragement given to me by the citizens of the Borough of Tyrone during my two terms as your mayor.”
Stoner went on to say, “in my final year, I want to assure you that I will be no less enthusiastic about any options that come our way that would benefit our community.
The mayor also said, “I have been blessed with a magnificent borough council and that support made ‘getting things done’ possible.
In her press release the mayor added, “it is my fervent hope, and concern, that in the upcoming election, you, the borough voters, will consider retaining these dedicated council people who will be up for re-election.”
Borough employees and council members were asked for their reaction to the mayor’s decision.
Councilman Bill Fink said, “that’s her decision, I respect that, she deserves time with her family. She has done a good job. She’s very energetic, probably the most active mayor we have ever had in Tyrone.”
The borough’s secretary Kim Murray said she has been with the municipality for nine years and has worked with the mayor for the last several years.
“I’m very saddened,” said Murray. “She’s a wonderful person and she has got a lot done, she certainly will be missed.”
Council member Virgie Werner said, “I can appreciate the work she has done and wanting to retire given her health concerns. She has always been involved and has such an interest in the community. I’m sure she will stay involved and when asked will offer input.
Werner also said it was her understanding the mayor did not plan to stay beyond two terms.
Recently appointed interim borough manager Sharon Dannaway said, “personally, Pat will be deeply missed and by the people for the service she has provided to us. I have never know a person with such civic love for the borough and the people of the community that pat possesses.
As for what the mayor plans to do after leaving office, she said she plans to spend more quality time with her family and to volunteer in community activities and organizations.
The mayor concluded her statement by thanking her constituents for the privilege to serve as mayor for two terms. She also noted the confidence of Tyrone’s citizens was “humbling and gratifying.”
Stoner was first elected in 1997 and reelected in 2001.

By Rick