Fri. Jan 17th, 2025

As soccer continues to grow in the area, the number of kids interested in the sport has increased.
The Tyrone Youth Soccer program has become a popular choice for many area kids.
Now is the time to start thinking ahead to the spring youth soccer season, which will take place from Sunday, April 3 through Sunday, June 5.
Boys and girls ages five to 14, who were born between August 1, 1990 and January 31, 2000 may register.
Dates and times to register are Thursday, January 27 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. and Sunday, January 30 from 2 to 4 p.m.
Registration will be held at the First English Lutheran Church, 13th Street, Tyrone.
The cost to register is $20 per player or $15 for siblings.
All registration forms and fees must be turned in by January 30 in order for players to be guaranteed a spot on a team. Players registering after January 30 will be assessed a $5 per child late registration fee.
Once all forms and fees are received, the child will then be placed on a waiting list. If more players are needed to fill teams, players from the waiting list will be used to fill the open spots.
Anyone needing to make other registration arrangements may contact Sharon Gripp, prior to January 30, at or 632-5671 to avoid the late fee.
For more information or for any questions, contact Steve Lucas at 684-1218 or Kim Eaken at 684-3213.

By Rick