On December 29, 2004, Rev. and Mrs. Ed Moore of Rimersburg agreed to renew their marriage vows in the Allegheny Wesleyan Methodist Church at Rimersburg.
Rev. Mark Deeter of Rimersburg, pastor of the Wesleyan Methodist Church performed the ceremony.
The bride’s brother Marshall Rankin of New Bethlehem, walked the bride down the aisle and Florance Rankin of New Bethlehem, sister-in-law of the bride, was the bridesmaid.
Ron and Joan Custer of Rimersburg played and sang “Tears are a Language God Understands.”
Marshall Moore, Jr. of Northern Cambria, grandson to the bride and groom, read the scriptures Psalms 90:10.
Miss Tiffney Zimmerman of Rimersburg played the piano.
Philip Phyl of Rimersburg and Marshall Moore, Jr. of Northern Cambria were the ushers.
Mrs. Twila Zimmerman of Rimersburg was in charge of making plans for the wedding.
The bride and groom’s son, Howard Jay Moore of Nittany Valley Dr., Howard, took the pictures. Also, he was born on their third anniversary on Dec. 29, 1946 at Templeton, Pa., Armstrong County.
Twenty-five guests attended the wedding and luncheon.
The luncheon was in the annex across the road from the church.
The bride is a homemaker and enjoys making quilts.
The groom was in the army from November 22, 1942 to December 18, 1945, in the 53rd Armored Infantry Battalion, 4th Armored Division under General George Patton in the European Theater and France.
He attended the Allentown Bible school in Allentown from 1949 to 1952. Rev. Moore pastored the church at Seven Stars from 1965 to 1968 as Gods Missionary and was ordained with the Wesleyan Bible Holiness denomination and is now retired.
Mr. Ed Moore and Miss Fredella Rankin were married on December 29, 1943 in the Zion Wesleyan Methodist Church at Templeton by the late Rev. J.C. Himes of Templeton.
Mrs. Moore is the daughter of the late James Alcanna and Minnie I. Rankin of Rimersburg.
Rev. Moore is the son of the late Rev. Earl A. and Cora P. (Fox) Moore of Templeton.
They have four children, Howard Jay of Nittany Valley, Dr. Howard Marshall of Hastings, Eunice Loy of Clifton Park, N.Y. and Vernon (deceased).
They have six grandsons, two great-grandsons and one great-granddaughter.
Rev. and Mrs. Ed Moore are former residents of Port Matilda and the Tyrone area.