With the campaign closing on January 31, 2005, United Way of Blair County has reached 63 percent of the $850,000 goal.
Campaign Chair Paula Farabaugh is hopeful that during the last month of the campaign the needed dollars will come in. There are many companies that have yet to contribute.
The four areas of need in Blair County, as identified by the community, are meeting emergency needs, strengthening families, nurturing children and youth and job related issues. Contributions will be directed towards programs and services that address those needs.
Farabaugh notes, “As we reflect on 2004 and the many blessings in our lives, we must be ever mindful of the unmet needs of others. The United Way of Blair County, through our new direction of funding for impact, is poised to begin making a positive difference in the lives of Blair County residents.
“The money will be awarded as grants, in a few months, to initiatives that demonstrate the ability to directly impact our identified areas of need. The more money we raise, the more positive change we can create in our community.”
Campaign officials emphasize that only those pledges received by January 31 will be applicable toward this year’s $850,000 goal. Any donations received after that date will be gratefully accepted and applied toward next year’s fund raising campaign.