Snyder Township supervisors met Monday to reorganize for 2005.
Supervisor Charles Diehl was nominated as Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, while Supervisor James Chronister was nominated as vice-chairman. Viola Dysart was re-appointed as secretary/treasurer and Allen Gibboney was re-appointed as township solicitor. EADS Group was also re-appointed to fill the township engineering position.
Other positions that were approved include: Helen Mengel as chairman of the vacancy board, Paul Morrison as fire marshall, Bill Gohn of EADS Group as primary sewage enforcement officer and alternate SEO as Libby Matthews.
Also, Bob Ayers was appointed to fill the seat on the Northern Blair County Regional Sewer Authority, and Eleanor Miller was re-appointed to serve a four-year term on the township planning commission.
Supervisor Jim Miller was appointed to the Agricultural Security Area Advisory Committee. Miller is filling the position on the committee as a replacement to the late township supervisor, Jim Daughenbaugh. Miller was also appointed to represent the township on the Blair County Planning Commission, which is also a replacement for Daughenbaugh.
Also, appointed: Linda Weaver and Paula Wisnieski to serve five-year terms on the Snyder Township Parks and Recreation Board, Bill Hall as a member of the Blair County Planning Commission and Jim Chronister to serve on the Northern Interstate-99 Enterprise Board as a representative for the township. Joy Bickle was re-appointed to serve on the Enterprise Board as a representative for the public sector.
The next township meeting date is scheduled for February 7 at 7 p.m. at the municipal building.
During the regular meeting held Monday, supervisors:
• discussed adopting Resolution 2004-82 revisions to the Act 537 On-lot Sewage Management Plan to include a special study for all areas of the township;
• approved PennDOT’s request for the township to relocate two traffic signal heads to be moved because they could cause confusion to motorists turning left at the Bald Eagle Intersection and
• approved to join with the county as being part of the Blair County Hazard Mitigation Plan.