Fri. Jan 17th, 2025

On Sunday, January 9 at 10:30 a.m. morning worship, the Chief Pastor and leader of the Presbyterian Church in Central Pennsylvania will celebrate winter communion in First Presbyterian Church of Tyrone.
Pastor Joy Kaufman, General Presbyter or leader of the 53 churches that comprise the Huntingdon Presbytery or district, will be present at First Presbyterian Church of Tyrone to conduct worship, deliver a message on the Baptism of the Lord and distribute the bread and wine to all those present at 10:30 a.m. worship this coming Sunday.
For Presbyterians who live and worship in Central Pennsylvania, Pastor Joy Kaufman oversees the 53 modest-sized churches in Huntingdon Presbytery in the fashion of a Church District Superintendent or Church Bishop.
Although Pastor Kaufman resides with her husband William Sisson in Reedsville, near Lewistown, this Chief Presbyterian Pastor and Administrator carries out her weekly duties from the Presbytery office at 323 Main Street, Bellwood. Monday through Thursday from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Pastor Kaufman provides advice and assistance to the members and ministers of the 53 diverse Presbyterian Churches scattered throughout the mountains and valleys of Central Pennsylvania.
Sometimes Pastor Kaufman attends individuals Church Board or Session meetings. Other times she counsels ministers and members from Presbyterian Churches struggling with spiritual, economic or personnel challenges. On many Sundays, Reverend Kaufman travels to distant corners of the Huntingdon Presbytery to lead worship and to deliver a gospel message to the people. On several occasions during the summer of 2003, Ms. Kaufman drove to First Presbyterian Church in Tyrone to offer insights about how the Tyrone church might energize and revitalize itself for the new century.
Kaufman grew up in The Wood’s Memorial Presbyterian Church in Maryland. In the early eighties, Pastor Kaufman attended Union Theological Seminary in New York City. Following her graduation from Union Seminary, Pastor Kaufman served as Associate Pastor of Market Square Presbyterian Church in Harrisburg, for 12 years. Upon completion of that Pastorate, Ms. Kaufman worked as Director of Public Advocacy for the Pennsylvania Council of Churches. In that position, she represented twenty denominations throughout the Commonwealth for five years. Just over two years ago, the 53 churches in Huntingdon Presbytery appointed her as their General Presbyter, the permanent replacement for long-time Executive Presbyter Reverend David Vogan of Bellefonte.
Concluded Pastor Kaufman, “I consider it vitally important that Presbyterians and all Christians comprehend that the heart of my work involves serving people and churches throughout Central Pennsylvania – first as a Pastor and then as an Administrator.
“When I come to First Presbyterian Church of Tyrone to lead worship, preach and celebrate Communion this Sunday, I want to provide folks with information about how Presbyterians and other Christians can aid in the unfolding tsunami tragedy in Southeast Asia.
“In every time and place on earth, God’s work must truly be our own. As a Pastor and leader in historic Huntingdon Presbytery, I count it an honor to help our people convey the message of God’s amazing grace in Jesus Christ. In making God’s work our own, perhaps we can bring a measure of healing to this hurting world of ours.”

By Rick