If anyone walked into Joybeans last Friday, they probably noticed something a little different.
That’s because the Tyrone Area High School French Club, led by Madame Smith, decided to transform Joybeans into a French cafe for a day, and aptly named it “Cafe de Tyrone.”
Last spring was the first time the French Club created the unique cafe at Joybeans. This year Madame Smith said the French Club decided to hold the special event in December in order to celebrate Noel.
The day began after the regular school day ended. Students started arriving at Joybeans after school, where they were able to enjoy the ambiance of a French cafe atmosphere right in downtown Tyrone.
Students dined on delicious French cuisine, including quiche lorraine, tea, croissants, and baguette with au “Nutella” and a la confiture “Bonne Maman”.
There was also a Gateau traditional or a traditional cake called a Buche de Noel (Yule log cake). Andrea Gurekovich made the cake to share with the French club students. Rachel Maceno also offered her cooking talents, bringing a tarte tatin, an upside down apple pie named after Madame Tatin who was making an apple pie and dropped it.
While the students mingled and ate, Chansons de Noel (French Christmas songs) played in the background. French symbols adorned the cafe, including the French flag, an Eiffel Tower lamp and impressionist paintings on the wall.
Madame Smith explained that the French cafe gives students a chance to socialize in a French atmosphere outside of the classroom.
“Here in Tyrone the French atmosphere has to be created, there’s not as many opportunities,” said Madame Smith.
“This is a very nice way to involve the community, to engage the businesses and create a partnership with the school, education and the community,” Madame continued.
Previously the French Club had worked with Carol Anderson at Joybeans who really enjoyed the opportunity. However, this year the tradition continued with the help of the new owner Veronica Isenberg, who was very happy to work with Madame Smith.
Some of the students chose to go French caroling to nearby businesses that were still open at the time.
“The cafe was very successful, students really enjoyed Cafe de Tyrone. It’s an educational experience, as well as a great opportunity for everyone involved,” said Madame Smith.