Thu. Mar 6th, 2025

The Tyrone American Legion and the VFW have started to place American flags on the gravesites at the local cemeteries for Memorial Day.
If a gravesite is missed, send a postcard to the Tyrone American Legion at: 1459 Lincoln Avenue, with the name of the cemetery and the name of the Veteran.
This will ensure that all those that served are properly honored.
If a gravesite doesn’t have a metal marker showing military service, it is up to the family to provide this marker. Flags are placed only on the gravesites with these markers, and if the marker is missing that is why the site was overlooked. The Legion and the VFW are given enough to replace only broken ones and have no more to supply.
Also, the Tyrone American Legion in conjunction with all Blair County Posts of the American Legion will be hosting the viewing of the May 29 dedication of the WW II Memorial, live from Washington, D.C. For those WW II Veterans unable to make the trip, the District has provided the Post with big screen TVs for viewing the service.
All WW II members and spouses are invited to come, view and reminisce together.
The doors will be opened at noon and the telecast will be live at 2 p.m.
There will be light refreshments served and the camaraderie will be shared once again by those who fought the “War to End All Wars.”

By Rick