At the regular meeting held Monday, Snyder Township supervisors discussed a possible change to an ordinance regarding mandatory tap connection for residents.
Both Antis Township and Snyder Township need to have mandatory tap connection for residents. Even if a malfunctioning system is in the study area or if a household is only 200 feet away from the tap connection, it would have to hook up to the tap connection.
Township solicitor Allen Gibboney said instead of dealing with the issue through correspondence, he would rather have a time to get together to review the issue. Gibboney said he will set up a meeting with the Northern Blair County Regional Sewer Authority and Antis Township for further discussion.
Township engineer Bill Gohn offered an update on the dirt and gravel grant for Beaston’s Road. New Enterprise was successful in submitting the lowest bid for the project at $17,982. Three segments of Beaston’s Road will be completed, according to Gohn.
Gohn also gave an update on septic on-lot management. The EADS Group used the 911 mapping as a base to collect data for on-lot management. The information on the map includes whether or not a household is hooked up to NBCRSA or Tyrone, when a household last pumped its sewage tank and other useful data.
In other business, supervisors:
• signed the Dirt and Gravel application for Gypsy Camp Hollow Road and Hoover’s Lane;
• signed an agreement with EADS Group for the comprehensive plan update;
• approved to pay EADS Group from Phase II of the HOME Grant for program administration, housing inspections and lead-based paint assessment in the amount of $1,306;
• were unable to act for lack of a second on the Northern Blair County Regional Authority’s request for Snyder Township to pay $108.97 for repairs to the cleanout pipe at Christy Lane, which is located in the township right-of-way and was damaged by a snow plow;
• granted a building permit to Tyrone Area School District/Hayes Large architects for the construction of a small addition to one of the maintenance garages;
• were informed that Tyrone Area School District is resurfacing the school running track and that no permits are needed from the township, but the school has applied for permits through DEP and the Blair County Conservation District;
• rescinded the existing motion from the last meeting, which awarded all fuel bids to J.J. Powell, and approved Agway for heating oil and J.J. Powell for regular unleaded gas and diesel fuel;
• approved to advertise a summary of the burning ordinance and dumping regulations for Snyder Township, and
• agreed to evaluate the secretary/treasurer position for a possible wage increase.