Thu. Mar 6th, 2025

It doesn’t look like there will be a tax hike for residents living in the Bellwood-Antis School District.
During the workshop session of the Bellwood-Antis School District meeting last evening, board members Diane Williams, Donna Tyler, John Shaffer, Linda Cherry, Dennis Minori, Ken Loucks, Scott Boyer, Rhonda Hocutt, Jeff Plummer, and Dave Worthing were in agreement on the tentative 2004-05 school year budget.
Proposals to this budget include: The General Fund, $13,885,235; Athletic, $188,935; Cafeteria, $537,444; Capital Reserve, $2,044,453; and Capitol Project, $425. Kenneth Swanson, the district’s business manager, added that by using 840,000 from the district’s fund balance’ as well as transferring $822,576 from the Capital Reserve the district can balance the annual budget, leaving $690,000 for the balance of the 2004-05 school year.
The board also presented a motion the recognize the following groups of students at next Tuesday’s voting board meeting: Middle School Blue Reading Team, who took first place in the fall and spring competitions; Middle School Gold Reading Team, who won third place in the fall and first place in the spring competition; John Hopkins Search For Talented Youth for outstanding performance on SAT Test; and the 1,000-point scorer in girls’ basketball.
Athletic Committee chairman Scott Boyer presented the motion to hire Dr. Jason Henninger as the athletic physician for the 2004-05 school year. The proposal includes $6 per physical and $100.00 per home varsity football game.
The Buildings, Grounds and Transportation Committee reported on the auditorium construction.
The inspection checklist was conducted on Tues. April 27 and is to be completed this Thursday. During next session, Rick Witt will also present an explanation of arrangement of the seats for the new Auditorium. The restrooms are completed with two minor exceptions.
The committee also presented a maintenance agreement for the roof that has leaked. An inspection of the roof revealed it was because the fastening has begun to fail. This maintenance agreement will save the district a lot of money over the next year the board members seemed to be in agreement with this proposal..
Discussion of the feasibility studies on the middle and high schools over 2001-02 was noted by Superintendent Brian Toth to be incomplete until the studies were conducted to include the elementary school.
However, he also said that the district needs to conclude current projects before this can be done.
The restructuring of the Title 1 Schedule included a new literacy proposal including moving of two teachers to the elementary school from the middle school in order to focus on developing better reading skills and customized programs on differing levels for elementary students.
The Honors math program is also receiving a change. A motion to revise The Senior Honors Math courses to provide more compatible learning to college level math classes was also presented..
The Finance chairperson, John Shaffer Jr., made a motion to approve the 2004-05 Greater Altoona and Technology Center Budget in the amount of $6,989,783. The district’s portion of this amount is $218,367.78, as well as the approval of the contribution to the public library at $7,900.00.
Also proposed, the student insurance rates to stay the same as last year – $20 during school time and $75 for a student whose parents elect 24 hour coverage.
The personnel presented the annual appointment of school board treasurer, solicitor, and hearing officer as well as the motion to approve two new teacher for the 2004-2005 school year.
Final changes to these proposals is slated for June and up until then changes could be made; however, the board seems to be reacting to the tentative schedule complimentary.

By Rick