On Saturday, numerous individuals attended the VFW Loyalty Day programs held at the Juniata VFW Post, also known as “Fort Apache” and a patriotic rally held at the Vietnam “Wall that Heals” in front of the James E. VanZandt Medical Center.
The rally was sponsored by the VFW District 22 Loyalty Day committee and supported by members of the Tyrone VFW Anderson-Denny Post No. 4559.
The VFW National Honor Guard opened the ceremonies at the event, and patriotic songs were performed by invited guests and the Post 3 VFW band.
Past state commander John Biedrzycki was the main speaker at the event, and past state president Bonnie Eichelberger was there to represent the VFW Women’s Auxiliary.
The purpose of the Loyalty Day celebration was for everyone involved to take a day to recognize men and women who served and are serving the United States and to recognize those who fought and are fighting for freedom and liberties that citizens enjoy today.
Also to celebrate Loyalty Day, the VFW held an essay/speech contest, in which several Tyrone Area High School students participated.
The theme for this year’s contest was “Why the Pledge of Allegiance should be recited by school students.”
The requirements included that the speech had to be three to five minutes in length and that it had to be spoken and delivered before a live audience.
Students from TAHS English teacher Robin Kramer’s speech class participated in the contest.
The Tyrone VFW Post Loyalty Day chairman Charles Boyd and Tyrone VFW Auxiliary president Alice Ewing acted as judges during the student speeches. On Friday, Boyd and Ewing visited the Tyrone High School to present the participating students with their awards.
On Saturday, district judging for the Loyalty Day speech contest was held at the Juniata VFW.