Sat. Jan 18th, 2025

To the editor: Faith for dark days. This is Good Friday. Followers of Christ everywhere are of the events of this last day of His earthly life.
It is said that at 3 o’clock in the afternoon Jesus cried out, “My God, My God, why has thou forsaken me?” These are difficult words to explain. God was not putting on a show, this was a real experience of a suffering. Jesus’ flesh had been nailed to the Cross and the pain was real to him as it would be to us if spikes were driven into our hands and feet.
The thing about it all that should sober us is that he did it because of His deep love for us. Here in Jesus we have the supreme example of faith in dark days. In the face of tragedy, he trusted in God.
Donald Hankey, of World War I fame, talked much about betting your life there is a God. Well he did and won. We need that kind of faith today. Our democratic way of life seems to have its back to the wall and is fighting for its next existence. The future is dark and we must have faith.
Once, Helen Keller was asked the secret of her victorious life. She replied, “I am happy because I have faith in God.” So do I, may God bless all.
Mayor James C. Bonsell, Bellwood

By Rick